Elena Sallitto
Adjunct Professor
Benjamin S. Salsbury
Senior Adjunct Professor
Salsbury Sullivan, LLC -
Stuart Salsbury
Adjunct Professor
Aisha Samples
Program Specialist
William (Bill) Sarraille
Professor of the Practice
Nancy Schertzing
Director, Restorative Approaches in Education Program
Teresa Schmiedeler
Senior Managing Director, Public Service & Externships
Katherine Schutes
Staff Attorney
Gregory Schwab
Visiting Assistant Professor
Denise Shaffer
Adjunct Professor
Administrative Law Judge -
Heather Shaivitz
Associate Director, CHHS
John Sharifi
Lecturer of Law
Omavi Shukur
Assistant Professor
Salman Siddiqi
Adjunct Professor
Charles Simmons, Jr.
Adjunct Professor
Derek Simmonsen
Adjunct Professor
Senior Coach for Moot Court Program -
Bill Sinclair
Adjunct Professor
Silverman, Thompson, Slutkin & White LLC -
Jana B. Singer
Jacob A. France Professor Emeritus of Law
Maneka Sinha
Professor of Law
Matiangai Sirleaf
Nathan Patz Professor of Law
Kim Smaczniak
Adjunct Professor
Anastasia Watson Smith
Director, Special Projects, Center for Dispute Resolution (C-DRUM)
Erica Smith
Associate Dean for Student Services
Matilda Smith
Staff Attorney
Melanie Snyder
Adjunct Professor
Itunu Sofidiya
Adjunct Professor
Chi Song
Systems & Instruction Librarian
Jeff Sovern
Michael Millemann Professor of Consumer Law
Max Stearns
Venable, Baetjer & Howard Professor of Law
Rena Steinzor
Emeritus Professor of Law
Elizabeth Stieff
Adjunct Professor
Jamie Strawbridge
Adjunct Professor
Robert Suggs
Professor Emeritus of Law
Kevin Sullivan
Senior Adjunct Professor
Timothy Sullivan
Adjunct Professor
Beveridge & Diamond, P.C. -
Lawrence Sung
Senior Adjunct Professor
Partner, Wiley Rein LLP -
Erica Suter
PT Professor of the Practice
Maureen Sweeney
Law School Professor and Director of the Chacón Center for Immigrant Justice
Mathew Swinburne
Associate Director, Network for Public Health Law - Eastern Region