Jana B. Singer

Jacob A. France Professor Emeritus of Law

Photo of Jana B. Singer


  • AB, 1977, Dartmouth College
  • JD, 1982, Yale University

Professor Singer joined the faculty in 1985 after serving as Revson fellow in women's law and public policy and adjunct clinical professor at the Georgetown University Law Center's Sex Discrimination Clinic.  Following her graduation from law school, where she was articles editor of the Yale Journal of World Public Order, she clerked for the Honorable Richard D. Cudahy of the U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit, and worked as a litigation associate at the law firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering.

Professor Singer is the co-author of Divorced From Reality: Rethinking Family Dispute Resolution (2015) and has written widely on constitutional law, family law and dispute resolution issues. She is a member of the American Law Institute and a past Chair of the Family and Juvenile Law Section of the American Association of Law Schools. She currently serves on the Editorial Board of the Family Court Review and as President of the Divorce Roundtable, an interdisciplinary group of attorneys, judges, mediators and mental health professionals focused on improving the process of divorce and parental separation for children and families.


Divorced from Reality: Rethinking Family Dispute Resolution (2015) (with Jane C. Murphy). Abstract

Editor, Resolving Family Conflicts (2008) (with Jane Murphy).

Family Law: Cases, Problems And Materials (2d ed. 1998) (with others).

Book Chapters

Legal Regulation of Marriage: From Status to Contract and Back Again?, in Strategies To Strengthen Marriage: What Do We Know? What Do We Need To Know? (1998). Abstract


Tribute to Professor Oscar S. Gray, 79 Maryland Law Review 1158 (2020).

Moving Family Dispute Resolution from the Court System to the Community, 75 Maryland Law Review Endnotes 9 (2016) (with Jane C. Murphy). Abstract

Book Review, Divorce American Style, 50 Family Law Quarterly 139 (2016) (with Naomi Cahn) (reviewing Wendy Paris, Splitopia: Dispatches from Today's Good Divorce and How to Part Well (2016)).

Bargaining in the Shadow of the Best-Interests Standard: The Close Connection Between Substance and Process in Resolving Divorce-Related Parenting Disputes, 77 Law & Contemporary Problems, no. 1, 2014, at 177. Abstract

Dispute Resolution and the Post-Divorce Family: Implications of a Paradigm Shift, 47 Family Court Review 363 (2009). Abstract

Hamdan as an Assertion of Judicial Power, 66 Maryland Law Review 759 (2007). Abstract

Juristocracy in the Trenches: Problem-Solving Judges and Theraputic Jurisprudence in Drug Treatment Courts and Unified Family Courts, 65 Maryland Law Review 82 (2006) (with Richard Boldt). Abstract

Marriage, Biology, and Paternity: The Case for Revitalizing the Marital Presumption, 65 Maryland Law Review 246 (2006). Abstract

Still Hostile After All These Years? Gender, Work & Family Revisited, 44 Villanova Law Review 297 (1999). Abstract

Adoption, Identity and the Constitution, 2 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 150 (1999). Abstract

Husbands, Wives and Human Capital: Why the Shoe Won't Fit, 31 Family Law Quarterly 117 (1997).

Alimony and Efficiency: The Gendered Costs and Benefits of the Economic Justification for Alimony, 82 Georgetown Law Journal 2423 (1994). Abstract

Divorce Obligations and Bankruptcy Discharge: Rethinking the Support/Property Distinction, 30 Harvard Journal on Legislation 43 (1993). Abstract

The Privatization of Family Law, 1992 Wisconsin Law Review 1443. Abstract

Women's Work, 11 Report from the Institute Of Philosophy & Public Policy 1 (Winter 1991), reprinted in 17 Women's International Network News, Autumn, 1991, at 74. Abstract

Divorce Reform and Gender Justice, 67 North Carolina Law Review 301 (1989). Abstract

Women in the Law School: It's Time for More Change, 6 Law & Inequality 135 (1988) (with Karen Czapanskiy) Abstract

A Dissent on Joint Custody, 47 Maryland Law Review 497 (1988) (with William B. Reynolds). Abstract