Guha Krishnamurthi

Associate Professor of Law




(410) 706-3719

Photo of Guha Krishnamurthi

Guha Krishnamurthi is an associate professor of law at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. Professor Krishnamurthi’s research interests are in criminal law and procedure, constitutional law, and antidiscrimination law. Prior to arriving at Maryland Carey Law, he taught at the University of Oklahoma College of Law, South Texas College of Law, and as a Climenko Fellow at Harvard Law School. Prior to academia, he worked as a litigator at law firms in the Southern California area. He clerked for the Hon. Goodwin H. Liu of the California Supreme Court, the Hon. Andrea R. Wood of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, and the Hon. Diane P. Wood of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. He earned his JD, with high honors, from the University of Texas School of Law; his BS, with high distinction, in Mathematics from the University of Michigan; his MS in Mathematics from the University of Michigan; and his MA in Philosophy from the University of Texas.


The Virtues of Optional Legislation, Arizona State Law Journal (forthcoming 2025) (with Jacob Bronsther). Abstract

Justice on Yachts: A Value-over-Replacement Theory, 97 Southern California Law Review Postscript 26 (2024) (with Peter Salib). Abstract

Will Bruen Kill Cops?, 93 Fordham Law Review Online 11 (2024) (with Peter Salib). Abstract

Against the Recidivist Premium, 98 Tulane Law Review 411 (2024). Abstract

A Wolf in Sheep's Attire: How Consent Enfeebles Our Fourth Amendment, 85 Ohio State Law Journal 33 (2024) (with Stephen E. Henderson). Abstract

Qualified Immunity as Gun Control 99 Notre Dame Law Review Reflection 93 (2023) (with Peter Salib). Abstract

The Constitutionality of Prohibiting Caste Discrimination, University of Chicago Law Review Online (July 13, 2023), Abstract

The Goose and the Gander: How Conservative Antidiscrimination Rulings Will Save Affirmative Action on Campus, 102 Texas Law Review 123 (2023) (with Peter N. Salib). Abstract

Equity and COVID-19 Treatment Allocation: A Questionable Criterion, Bioethics (2023), DOI: 10.1111/bioe.13132 (with Eric Vogelstein).

Are S.B. 8's Fines Criminal?, 101 Texas Law Review Online 141 (2023). Abstract

Interpreting Textualist Slogans, 109 Iowa Law Review Online 15 (2023).

The Oath Doesn't Require Originalist Judges, 15 Harvard Law & Policy Review 571 (2022) (with Erik Encarnacion). Abstract

The Constitutional Right to Bench Trial, 100 North Carolina Law Review 1621 (2022). Abstract

The Case for the Abolition of Criminal Confessions, 75 SMU Law Review 15 (2022). Abstract

Optional Legislation, 107 Minnesota Law Review 297 (2022) (with Jacob Bronsther). Abstract

Jury Nullification in Abortion Prosecutions: An Equilibrium Theory, 72 Duke Law Journal Online 41 (2022) (with Peter N. Salib). Abstract

Term Limits and Embracing a Political Supreme Court, 107 Minnesota Law Review Headnotes 26 (2022).

Small Arms Races, University of Chicago Law Review Online (June 3, 2022).

Not the Standard You're Looking for: But-for Causation in Anti-Discrimination Law, 108 Virginia Law Review Online 1 (2022).

The Iron Rule, 42 Cardozo Law Review 2889 (2021) (with Jacob Bronsther).

Post-Election Litigation and the Paradox of Voting, University of Chicago Law Review Online (Mar. 10, 2021).

Title VII and Caste Discrimination, 134 Harvard Law Review Forum 456 (2021).

Reparations, Constitutionality, and the Model of Civil Damages, 57 Tulsa Law Review 303 (2021) (with Peter Salib).

Principal Officers and the Function of Section 4 of the 25th Amendment, 54 UC Davis Law Review Online 89 (2021) (with Peter Salib).

Bostock Was Bogus: Textualism, Pluralism, and Title VII, 97 Notre Dame Law Review 67 (2021) (with Mitchell N. Berman). Abstract

False Positivism: The Failure of the Newest Originalism, 46 BYU Law Review 401 (2021). Abstract

Sitting One Out: Strategic Recusal on the Supreme Court, 11 California Law Review Online 387 (2020).

The Court's Friends, 19 Scribes Journal of Legal Writing 187 (2020).

For Judicial Majoritarianism, 22 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 1201 (2020). Abstract