Contract Law: An Integrated Approach (2019) (with Debora L. Threedy and William K. Sjostrom Jr). Abstract
Developing Professional Skills: Secured Transactions (2018). Abstract
Love's Promises: How Formal and Informal Contracts Shape All Kinds of Families (2015). Abstract
Editor, Rethinking Commodifcation: Cases and Readings in Law and Culture (2005) (with Joan C. Williams). Abstract
Book Chapters
Adoption: A Mosaic of Market and Non-Market Elements, in Routledge Handbook of Commodification 321 (Elodie Bertrand & Vida Panitch eds., 2024). Abstract
Contract's Influence on Feminism and Vice Versa, in The Oxford Handbook of Feminism and Law in the United States (Deborah Brake, Martha Chamallas & Verna Williams eds., 2021). Abstract
Adoption, in Springer Encyclopedia of Law & Economics (Alain Marciano & Giovanni Battista Ramello eds., 2015).
Love and Contracts in Don Quixote, in Don Quixote: Interdisciplinary Connections 251 (Matthew D. Warshawsky & James A. Parr eds., 2013). Abstract
The Productive Tension between Official and Unofficial Stories of Fault in Contract Law, in Fault in American Contract Law 132 (Omri Ben-Shahar & Ariel Porot eds., 2011). Abstract
The Upside of Baby Markets, in Baby Markets: Money and the New Politics of Creating Families 23 (Michele Bratcher Goodwin ed., 2010). Abstract
The Story of Reynolds v. United States: Federal "Hell Hounds" Punishing Mormon Treason, in Family Law Stories 51 (Carol Sanger ed., 2007) Abstract
Private Ordering Under the ALI Principles: As Natural as Status, in Reconceiving the Family 284 (Robin Fretwell Wilson ed., 2006). Abstract
The Business of Intimacy: Bridging the Private-Private Distinction, in Feminism Confronts Homo Economicus: Gender, Law, and Society 467 (Martha Albertson Fineman & Terence Dougherty eds., 2005). Abstract
Videos, Powerpoints & Other Teaching Materials as Catalysts for Professional Identity Formation, 20 University of St. Thomas Law Journal 922 (2024).
Contract as a Tool of Systemic Racism & (Maybe) Reparations, Jotwell, June 28, 2023 (reviewing Marissa Jackson Sow, Whiteness as Contract, 78 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1803 (2022)). Abstract
The New Private Law Thirty Years After, 100 Denver Law Review 533 (2023).
Reparations for Racial Wealth Disparities as Remedy for Social Contract Breach, 85 Law & Contemporary Problems, no. 2, 2022, at 231. Abstract
The Cost of Non-Billable Work, 99 Texas Law Review Online 184 (2020). Abstract
Contract in Crisis, Jotwell, April 6, 2020. Abstract
Keep it Simple, Smarty: Tips for Transactional Training Programs, 48 UCC Law Journal 1 (2018).
We Who Believe . . . Cannot Rest, 17 University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class 9 (2017). Abstract
The Social Life of Blood, Milk & Sperm, 51 Tulsa Law Review 393 (2016). Abstract
Drinking from the Data Well: Response to Gamete Donor Anonymity and Limits on Numbers of Offspring: The Views of Three Stakeholders, 3 Journal of Law and the Biosciences 655 (2016). Abstract
Marital Contracting in a Post-Windsor World, 42 Florida State University Law Review 479 (2015). Abstract
Unexpected Links Between Baby Markets and Intergenerational Justice, 8 Law & Ethics of Human Rights 271 (2014). Abstract
The Legacy of Jane Larson: The Politics of Practicality and Surprise, 28 Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender & Society 207 (2013). Abstract
Exchange as a Cornerstone of Families, 34 Western New England Law Review 405 (2012). Abstract
Race Treason: The Untold Story of America's Ban on Polygamy, 19 Columbia Journal of Gender & Law 287 (2010). Abstract
Book Review, For Both Love and Money, The Far Reach of Viviana Zelizer’s The Purchase of Intimacy, 34 Law & Social Inquiry 1017 (2009). Abstract
Mapping the New Frontiers of Private Ordering, 49 Arizona Law Review 695 (2007). Abstract
Accepting the Court’s Invitation, 57 Journal of Legal Education 159 (2007). Abstract
Legal Tenderness, 18 Yale Journal of Law & Feminism 545 (2006) (reviewing Feminist Perspectives on Contract Law (Linda Mulcahy & Sally Wheeler eds., 2005)). Abstract
The Elasticity of Contract, 18 Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities 202 (Supp. 2006). Abstract
What's Wrong with a Parenthood Market? - A New and Improved Theory of Commodification, 82 North Carolina Law Revew 1 (2003). Abstract
Love and Work: A Response to Vicki Schultz's Life's Work, 102 Columbia Law Review 848 (2002). Abstract
Marriage as a Trade: Bridging the Private/Private Distinction, 35 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 79 (2001). Abstract
The ALI Principles' Approach to Domestic Partnership, 8 Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 107 (2001) Abstract
Changing the Meaning of Motherhood, 76 Chicago-Kent Law Review 1733 (2001). Abstract
Contract Sports, 48 Cleveland State Law Review 31 (2000). Abstract
Oscar Wilde: Paradoxical Poster Child for both Identity and Post-Identity, 25 Law & Social Inquiry 153 (2000). Abstract
Commercializing Marriage: A Proposal for Valuing Women's Work Through Premarital Security Agreements, 77 Texas Law Review 17 (1998). Abstract
Reconstructing Marriage: An InterSEXional Approach, 75 Denver University Law Review 1215 (1998). Abstract
Vive no Différence, 91 Northwestern University Law Review 642 (1997). Abstract
Contractual Purgatory for Sexual Marginorities: Not Heaven, but Not Hell Either, 73 Denver University Law Review 1107 (1996). Abstract
Denying the Secret of Joy: A Critique of Posner's Theory of Sexuality, 45 Stanford Law Review 1485 (1993). Abstract