Mark Graber

University System of Maryland Regents Professor




(410) 706-2767


(410) 706-6644

Photo of Mark Graber


  • AB, 1978, Dartmouth College
  • MA and PhD, 1986 and 1988, Yale University
  • JD, 1981, Columbia University Law School

Professor Graber held a faculty position in the Department of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland, College Park, from 1993 to 2007 and taught at the University of Maryland School of Law as an adjunct professor beginning in the fall of 2002. In 2004, he was appointed Professor of Government and Law at Maryland Carey Law, a title he held until May 1, 2015, at which time he received an appointment as the Jacob A. France Professor of Constitutionalism. In 2016, he was named Regents Professor, one of only seven Regents Professors in the history of the University System of Maryland and the only Regents Professor on the UMB campus. He served as associate dean for research and faculty development from 2010 to 2013. He has also been one of the organizers of the annual Constitutional Law "Schmooze," which attracts scholars from across the country to the law school.

Professor Graber is recognized as one of the leading scholars in the country on constitutional law and politics. He is the author of A New Introduction to American Constitutionalism (Oxford 2013), Dred Scott and the Problem of Constitutional Evil (Cambridge, 2006), and co-editor (with Keith Whittington and Howard Gillman) of American Constitutionalism: Structures and Powers and American Constitutionalism: Rights and Powers, both also from Oxford University Press, and co-editor with Mark Tushnet and Sandy Levinson of Constitutional Democracy in Crisis (Oxford 2018). His most recent book is Punish Treason, Reward Loyalty: The Forgotten Goals of Constitutional Reform After the Civil War (Kansas, 2023).

Professor Graber is also the author of over 100 articles, including "The Non-Majoritarian Problem: Legislative Deference to the Judiciary" in Studies in American Political Development, "Naked Land Transfers and American Constitutional Development," published in the Vanderbilt Law Review and "Resolving Political Questions into Judicial Questions: Tocqueville’s Aphorism Revisited," published by Constitutional Commentary.

He has been a visiting faculty member at Harvard University, Yale Law School, the University of Virginia School of Law, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Toronto, the University of Oregon School of Law, and Simon Reichman University.


Punish Treason, Reward Loyalty: The Forgotten Goals of Constitutional Reform After the Civil War (2023). Abstract

American Constitutionalism (Vol II: Civil Rights and Liberties) (3d ed. 2021) (with Howard Gillman and Keith E. Whittington).

Constitutional Democracy in Crisis? (2018) (with Sanford Levinson and Mark Tushnet). Abstract

American Constitutionalism: Volume V, The Constitution of the Confederate States (2018) (with Howard Gillmann).

American Constitutionalism (2d ed. 2017) (with Howard Gillman and Keith E. Whittington).

American Constitutionalism: Structures of Government (2d ed. 2017) (with Howard Gillman and Keith E. Whittington).

American Constitutionalism: Rights and Liberties (2d ed. 2017) (with Howard Gillman and Keith E. Whittington).

Editor, The Oxford Handbook of the U.S. Constitution (2015) (with Mark Tushnet & Sanford Levinson). Abstract

A New Introduction to American Constitutionalism (2013). Abstract

American Constitutionalism: Volume II, Rights and Liberties (2012) (with Howard Gillman & Keith E. Whittington). Abstract

American Constitutionalism: Volume I, Structures of Government (2012) (with Howard Gillman & Keith E. Whittington). Abstract

Dred Scott and the Problem of Constitutional Evil (2006). Abstract

Marbury versus Madison: Documents and Commentary (2002) (with Michael Perhac). Abstract

Rethinking Abortion: Equal Choice, the Constitution, and Reproductive Politics (1996). Abstract

Transforming Free Speech: The Ambiguous Legacy of Civil Libertarianism (1991). Abstract

Book Chapters

Constitutional Identity, Constitutional Politics, and Constitutional Revolutions, in Deciphering the Genome of Constitutionalism: The Foundations and Future of Constitutional Identity 216 (Ran Hirschl & Yaniv Roznai eds., 2024).

National Pork Producers Council v. Ross: The Puzzling Constitutional Law and Politics of the Dormant Commerce Clause, in SCOTUS 2023: Major Decisions and Developments of the US Supreme Court 155 (Morgan Marietta & Howard Schweber eds., 2024).

The Unwritten Constitutions of the United States, in Amending America's Unwritten Constitution 25 (Richard Albert, Ryan C. Williams & Yaniv Roznai eds., 2022).

United States v. Vaello Madero on Puerto Rico and Precedent in Times of Constitutional Change, in SCOTUS 2022: Major Decisions and Developments of the US Supreme Court 163-71 (Morgan Marietta ed., 2022).

Kahler v. Kansas on the Insanity Defense, in SCOTUS 2020, at 91 (Morgan Marietta ed., 2021) (with Julia Bess Frank).

What's in Crisis? The Postwar Constitutional Paradigm, Transformative Constitutionalism and the Fate of Constitutional Democracy, in Constitutional Democracy in Crisis? (Mark Graber, Sanford Levinson & Mark Tushnet eds., 2018).

Counter-Stories: Maintaining and Expanding Civil Liberties in Wartime, in Constitution in Wartime: Beyond Alarmism and Complacency 95 (Mark Tushnet ed., 2018).

Race and American Constitutional Exceptionalism, in Comparative Constitutional Theory (Gary Jacobsohn & Miguel Schor eds., 2018).

Separation of Powers, in The Cambridge Companion to the United States Constitution (Karen Orren & John Compton eds., 2018).

Seeing, Seizing, and Searching Like a State: Constitutional Developments from the Seventeenth Century to the End of the Nineteenth Century, in The Cambridge Handbook of Surveillance Law (David C. Gray & Stephen E. Henderson eds., 2017).

Andrew Jackson, in The Presidents and the Constitution: A Living History (Ken Gormley ed., 2016).

James Madison's Republican Constitutionalism, in Constitutions and the Classics 327 (Denis Galligan ed., 2015).

Almost Legal: Disobedience and Partial Nullification in American Constitutional Politics and Law, in Nullification and Secession in Modern Constitutional Thought (Sanford Levinson ed., 2016).

Constitutional Law and American Politics, in The Oxford Handbook of Law and Politics (Keith E. Whittington et al. eds., 2010). Abstract

John Brown, Abraham Lincoln, Dred Scott and the Problem of Constitutional Evil, in The Dred Scott Case: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Race and Law 49 (David Thomas Konig et al. eds., 2010).

Foreword: The Banality of Constitutional Evil, in Earl Maltz, Slavery and the Supreme Court, 1825-1861 (2009).

Legal, Strategic, or Legal Strategy: Deciding to Decide During the Civil War and Reconstruction, in The Supreme Court and American Political Development, (Ronald Kahn & Ken Kersch, eds. 2006). Abstract

The Right to Vote and Other ‘Anomalies:’ Protecting and Expanding Civil Liberties in Wartime, in At War with Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (John Stack & Thomas Baker, eds. 2006).

From Republic to Democracy : The Judiciary and the Political Process, in The Judicial Branch (Kermit Hall & Kevin McGuire, eds. 2005).

Settling the West: The Annexation of Texas, the Louisiana Purchase and Bush v. Gore, in The Louisiana Purchase and American Expansion 1803-1898 (Sanford Levinson & Bartholomew H. Sparrow eds., 2005).

Bush v. Gore and the Annexation of Texas, in The Louisiana Purchase and American Expansion (Bartholomew Sparrow & Sanford Levinson, eds. 2005).

Counterstories: Protecting and Expanding Civil Liberties in Times of War, in The Constitution in Wartime: Beyond Alarmism and Complacency (Mark Tushnet, ed. 2005). Abstract

Clarence Thomas and the Perils of Amateur History, in Rehnquist Justice: Understanding the Court Dynamic (Earl Maltz ed., 2003).

The Law and Politics of Judicial Review, in Separation of Powers: Documents and Commentary (Katy Harriger ed., 2003).

Jewish Voices and Religious Freedom: A Jewish Critique of Critical Jewish Thinking, in Law and Religion: A Critical Anthology (Stephen M. Feldman ed., 2000).


Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment: Insurrection, 33 William & Mary Bill of Rights Law Journal 1 (2025). Abstract

Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment: Is Trump's Innocence Irrelevant?, 84 Maryland Law Review 1 (2024). Abstract

Constitutions as Constraints, 83 Maryland Law Review 1059 (2024). Abstract

Separation Anxieties: A Comment on Weil's Penalties for the Violation of Separation, 18 Law & Ethics of Human Rights 21 (2024).

Partisan Supremacy in the Lincoln-Douglas Debates, 12 American Political Thought 222 (2023).

Book Review, 110 Journal of American History 155 (2023) (reviewing Brett Gary, Dirty Works: Obscenity on Trial in America's First Sexual Revolution (2021)).

Justice Robert Jackson's Catechisms, 82 Maryland Law Review Online 115 (2023). Abstract

Foreword: The Lincoln-Douglas(s) Debates and the Problem of Constitutional Evil, 83 Maryland Law Review 190 (2023). Abstract

Generational and Constitutional Change, 53 DPCE Online, no. 3, 1549 (2022). Abstract

Justice Accused at 45: Reflections on Robert Cover's Masterwork, 37 Touro Law Review 1851 (2022) (with Sanford Levinson). Abstract

Essentially Contested Constitutional Revolutions, 81 Maryland Law Review 205 (2021). Abstract

Original Expectations, 52 Connecticut Law Review 1573 (2021). Abstract

Korematsu's Ancestors, 74 Arkansas Law Review 425 (2021).

Book Review, Abortion and the Law in America: Roe v. Wade to the Present by Mary Ziegler , 108 Journal of America History 650 (2021).

The Post Civil-War Amendments as a Constitutional Revolution? 7 Constitutional Studies 2 (2021).

Ship Money: The Case that Time and Whittington Forgot, 35 Constitutional Commentary 47 (2020) Abstract

McCulloch and the American Regime, 73 Arkansas Law Review 95 (2020) (reviewing David S. Schwartz, The Spirit of the Constitution: John Marshall and the 200-Year Odyssey of McCulloch v. Maryland (2019)).

Book Review, Entrenchment: Wealth, Power, and the Constitution of Democratic Societies, 107 Journal of American History 449 (2020).

Book Review, 37 Law & History Review 315 (2019) (reviewing Paul Finkelman, Supreme Injustice: Slavery in the Nation's Highest Court (2018)).

Overruling McCulloch?, 72 Arkansas Law Review 79 (2019).

Functionalism and the Infield Fly Rule, 13 Florida International University Law Review 935 (2019). Abstract

Foreword: Technological Change, Constitutional Flexibility, and Regime Stability, 79 Maryland Law Review 56 (2019). Abstract

Book Review, 124 American Historical Review 1893 (2019) (reviewing Martha S. Jones, Birthright Citizens: A History of Race and Rights in Antebellum America (2018)).

The Constitutional Powers of Anti-Publian Presidents: Constitutional Interpretation in a Broken Constitutional Order, 21 Chapman Law Review 133 (2018) (with Sanford Levinson). Abstract

Teaching the Forgotten Fourteenth Amendment and the Constitution of Memory, 62 St. Louis University Law Journal 639 (2018).

Liberals, 20th-Century American Constitutional Liberalism, and the Liberal Academy: A Comment of Laura Weinrib, The Taming of Free Speech: America's Civil Liberties Compromise, 18 Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 88 (2018).

Book Review, 105 Journal of American History 144 (2018) (reviewing Susanna L. Blumenthal, Law and the Modern Mind: Consciousness and Responsibility in American Legal Culture (2016)).

The Collapse of the New Deal Conceptual Universe: The Schmooze Project, 77 Maryland Law Review 108 (2017). Abstract

Book Review, 104 Journal of American History 187 (2017) (reviewing An Indispensable Liberty: The Fight for Free Speech in Nineteenth Century America (Mary M. Cronin ed., 2016)).

Judicial Supremacy Revisited: Independent Constitutional Authority in American Constitutional Law and Practice, 58 William & Mary Law Review 1549 (2017).

Judicial Supremacy and the Structure of Partisan Conflict, 50 Indiana Law Journal 141 (2016).

Young Jeffersonians and Adult Marshallians: Constitutional and Regime Transitions in Public Schools and Nation States, 1 Constitutional Studies 1 (2016).

The Second Freedmen's Bureau Bill's Constitution, 94 Texas Law Review 1361 (2016). Abstract

The Declaration of Independence and Contemporary Constitutional Pedagogy, 89 Southern California Law Review 509 (2016). Abstract

State Constitutions as National Constitutions, 69 Arkansas Law Review 371 (2016). Abstract

Book Review, 33 Law & History Review 235 (2015) (reviewing J. David Alvis et al., The Contested Removal Power, 1789-2010 (2013).

Foreword: Private and Public Revisited Once Again, 75 Maryland Law Review 135 (2015). Abstract

Harperooning, Groeing and Browning the First Amendment, 2015 University of Illinois Law Review Slip Opinions 75. Abstract

The Declaration of Independence as Canon Fodder, 49 Tulsa Law Review 469 (2014) (book review). Abstract

Beard and Uber-Beard, 29 Constitutional Commentary 293 (2014). Abstract

Book Review, 2 American Political Thought 163 (2013) (reviewing Tamara R. Piety, Brandishing the First Amendment: Commercial Expression in America (2012)).

Executive Power: From the Constitutional Periphery to the Constitutional Core, 73 Maryland Law Review 1 (2013). Abstract

The Coming Constitutional Yo-Yo?: Elite Opinion, Polarization, and the Direction of Judicial Decision Making, 56 Howard Law Journal 661 (2013). Abstract

Redeeming and Living with Evil, 71 Maryland Law Review 1073 (2012). Abstract

Subtraction by Addition? The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments, 112 Columbia Law Review 1501 (2012). Abstract

Constitutional Democracy, Human Dignity, and Entrenched Evil, 38 Pepperdine Law Review 889 (2011). Abstract

Hollow Hopes and Exaggerated Fears: The Canon/Anticanon in Context, 125 Harvard Law Review Forum 33 (2011) Abstract

Introduction to Law's Allure Symposium: Law and Politics—An Old Distinction, New Problems, 35 Law & Social Inquiry 1025 (2010) Abstract

Book Review: Selection Biases, 45 Tulsa Law Review 575 (2010) (with Sanford Levinson). Abstract

Constitutional Fits, 41 Journal of Social Philosophy 194 (2010).

A Tale Told by a President, 28 Yale Law & Policy Review: Inter Alia 13 (2010). Abstract

Running Cars, Constitutions and Metaphors into the Ground, 18 The Good Society 35 (2009). Abstract

Foreword: Our Paradoxical Religion Clauses, 69 Maryland Law Review 8 (2009). Abstract

James Buchanan as Savior? Judicial Power, Political Fragmentation, and the Failed 1831 Repeal of Section 25, 88 Oregon Law Review 95 (2009). Abstract

The Price of Fame: Brown as Celebrity, 69 Ohio State Law Journal 939 (2008). Abstract

The Countermajoritarian Difficulty: From Congress to Courts to Constitutional Order, 4 Annual Reviews in Law & Social Science 361 (2008). Abstract

False Modesty: Felix Frankfurter and the Tradition of Judicial Restraint, 47 Washburn Law Journal 23 (2007) Abstract

No Better than They Deserve: Dred Scott and Constitutional Democracy, 34 Northern Kentucky Law Review 589 (2007).

Foreword: Making Sense of an Eighteenth Century Constitution in a Twenty-First Century World, 67 Maryland Law Review 1 (2007). Abstract

Foreword: From the Countermajoritarian Difficulty to Juristocracy and the Political Construction of Judicial Power, 65 Maryland Law Review 1 (2006). Abstract

Enumeration and Other Constitutional Strategies for Protecting Rights: the View from 1787/1791, 9 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 357 (2006). Abstract

Does it Really Matter? Conservative Courts in a Conservative Era, 75 Fordham Law Review 675 (2006). Abstract

Popular Constitutionalism, Judicial Supremacy, and the Complete Lincoln-Douglas Debates, 81 Chicago-Kent Law Review 923 (2006). Abstract

Constitutionalism and Political Science: Imaginative Scholarship, Unimaginative Teaching, 3 Perspectives on Politics 135 (2005). Abstract

Dred Scott as a Centrist Decision, 83 North Carolina Law Review 1229 (2005).

The Jacksonian Makings of the Taney Court (2005). Abstract

Lost and Not Yet Found: The New First Amendment, 14 The Good Society 19 (2005).

Ancients, Moderns, and Guns, 12 William & Mary Bill of Rights Law Review 307 (2004). Abstract

Resolving Political Questions into Judicial Questions: Tocqueville's Thesis Revisited (2004). Abstract

Establishing Judicial Review: Marbury v. The Judiciary Act of 1789, 38 Tulsa Law Review 609 (2003).

Social Democracy and Constitutional Theory: An Institutional Perspective, 69 Fordham Law Review 1969 (2001). Abstract

Thick and Thin: Interdisciplinary Conversations on Populism, Law, Political Science, And Constitutional Change, 90 Georgetown Law Journal 233 (2001). Abstract

Naked Land Transfers and American Constitutional Development, 53 Vanderbilt Law Review 73 (2000). Abstract

The Jacksonian Origins of Chase Court Activism, 25 Journal of Supreme Court History 17 (2000).

Law and Sports Officiating: A Misunderstood and Justly Neglected Relationship, 16 Constitutional Commentary 293 (1999). Abstract

The Clintonification of American Law: Abortion, Welfare, and Liberal Constitutional Theory, 58 Ohio State Law Journal 731 (1997).

Desperately Ducking Slavery: Dred Scott and Contemporary Constitutional Theory, 14 Constitutional Commentary 271 (1997). Abstract

Conflicting Representations: Lani Guinier and James Madison on Electoral Systems, 13 Constitutional Commentary 291 (1996). Abstract

Old Wine in New Bottles: The Constitutional Status of Unconstitutional Speech, 48 Vanderbilt Law Review 349 (1995). Abstract

The Passive-Aggressive Virtues: Cohen v. Virginia and the Problematic Establishment of Judicial Power, 12 Constitutional Commentary 67 (1995). Abstract

Judicial Recantation, 45 Syracuse Law Review 807 (1994). Abstract

A Constitutional Conspiracy Unmasked: Why "No State" Does Not Mean "No State", 10 Constitutional Commentary 87 (1993). Abstract