Impact Report

Message From The Dean

This time of year I can’t help but reflect on how grateful I am for the generous philanthropic support of our alumni and friends, which is vital to strengthening Maryland Carey Law’s impact today and legacy for generations to come. I encourage you to view our fiscal year 2022 Impact Report (reflecting gifts and pledges during the period July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) to understand the transformative impact of our community this year.

Please take a few minutes to read about important developments and updates in this year’s magazine. I am proud of what our Maryland Carey Law community accomplishes together and excited to celebrate our progress with you.

Thank you for the critical role you play in shaping the next generation of lawyers, public servants, nonprofit and business leaders, and policy advocates advancing justice!

With deep gratitude,
Renée McDonald Hutchins
Dean, Maryland Carey Law

  • The José Bahamonde-González Memorial Scholarship

    The José Bahamonde-González Memorial Scholarship

    Established in memory of Dean José Bahamonde-González, this scholarship supports students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement, strength of character, and the potential for making a substantial contribution to society.

    Learn More
  • LEAP Scholars Initiative

    LEAP Scholars Initiative

    LEAP Scholars must have demonstrated leadership and an ability to overcome challenges in pursuing their educational and/or professional goals.

    Learn More
  • Women, Leadership, and Equality Program Fund

    Women, Leadership, and Equality Program Fund

    WLE provides an opportunity for students to engage in critical thinking about cutting-edge issues in gender and leadership.

    Learn More

Contributions & Support

Members of the Maryland Carey Law School Club (MCLSC) are philanthropic leaders committed to sustaining the law school’s ability to educate future leaders and shape law and policy. Donors who give $1,000 or more during the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) become members of the MCLSC  (graduates of the last decade qualify for membership at lower levels). We are grateful to these donors who pave the way for a bright future.

Joanne Pollak, ’76, Retired General Counsel, The Johns Hopkins Health System and Johns Hopkins Medicine; formerly, Partner, Piper & Marbury (now DLA Piper): I support Maryland Carey Law School in several ways – the Women, Leadership & Equity Program, the new Donald B. Tobin Professorship Endowment and the MCLSC. I came to the Law School in 1973 and benefited from the School’s courses in the emerging area of health care law and the support for women lawyers who were a new phenomenon in the law. With the School’s help, I became one of the first women joining a major Maryland law firm and creating a new health care department within the firm. I believe it is essential to support the Law School with its unique tripartite missions of law, practice and citizenship.

Barry Herman ’99, Partner, Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP: I am a member of the Maryland Carey Law School Club because I greatly value the education I received and want the school to continue to excel.  I was a newlywed when I entered law school and my wife and I paid for law school without help from my parents.  I chose Maryland in part because in-state tuition was so reasonable; I had no idea the professors would be so great.  I learned so much from my experience in the clinic, from adjunct professors at the top of their field, and I also received incredible support from the Career Development Office.  I love the law school and am proud that it has continued to graduate well-rounded, diverse attorneys who are equipped to become leaders in Maryland and throughout the country.

Xochitl Strohbehn ’09, Partner, Venable LLP: I joined the Maryland Carey Law School Club because I viewed it as a unique opportunity to contribute something to the law school.  I chose Maryland because of the culture, and I hope it will always have an amazing culture where students collaborate more than they compete.  I also hope that, by giving back, current and future students will have the opportunity to begin developing the skills that will serve them well throughout their careers.  I am a proud Maryland alumna and thrilled to be part of this club.  I hope you join, too!

Letam Duson ’13, Maryland Office of the State Prosecutor: I support Maryland Carey Law at the MCLSC level because I want to support the current law school students to ensure that they can benefit from the mentorship, litigation training, and other vast resources I was able to access that have enhanced my career and the legal profession as a whole.


Thank you for giving back to Maryland Carey Law and supporting our law students!

Members of the Maryland Carey Law School Club (MCLSC) are philanthropic leaders committed to sustaining the law school’s ability to educate future leaders and shape law and policy. Donors who give $1,000 or more during the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) become members of the MCLSC  (graduates of the last decade qualify for membership at lower levels). We are grateful to these donors who pave the way for a bright future.

The Honorable Steven V. Adler ‘07
Yewande A. Agboola ‘12
Kenneth S. Aneckstein ‘96 Judith A. Armold ‘71
Dr. Deborah J. Arrindell ‘97
The Honorable Alison L. Asti ‘79
Leonard J. Attman and Phyllis L. Attman
Loretta M. Bacon ‘16
Elizabeth S. Baker ‘73 and Dr. Edward K. Baker
Erek L. Barron and Family
Dr. Peter Beilenson
Alexander E. Bennett and Brooksley Born
Leon W. Berg ‘75
Dr. Stuart D. Berger ‘87
Hope I. Berman
Richard O. Berndt ‘67
Gregg L. Bernstein ‘81 and Sheryl Goldstein
Stephanie Anne Bilenker ‘98
Richard Bloch ‘71 and Carol Z. Bloch
Naana A. Boampong ‘14
Professor David S. Bogen
Darrell N. Braman ‘88
Marc S. Broady ‘16
M. Jason Brooke ‘10 and Mindy L. Ehrenfried ‘10
The Honorable Josef B. Brown ‘59
and Gloria G. Brown
Michael Benjamin Brown ‘15
and Susan R. Schipper ‘15
Ronald C. Brubaker ‘61
Robin Burroughs ‘13
The Honorable Joseph Norris Byrnes
David S. Cade ‘85
Robert T. Caffrey
Paul S. Caiola ‘95
Diana M. Caldas Lerman ‘13
Professor Anne-Marie Carstens
Thea Carter
Dr. Marco A. Chacón and Debbie Chacón
The Honorable Deborah K. Chasanow ‘61
Christopher L. Chaulk ‘15
Debra S. P. Cheng ‘00 The Honorable Alice P. Clark ‘82
Lauri Eff Cleary ‘85 and Sean E. Cleary
Samantha Collado ‘16
Michael P. Collins, Jr. ‘17
Professor Robert J. Condlin
Deborah Cook
Glenn M. Cooper ‘73
Rachel Cooper ‘17
Harriet E. Cooperman ‘78
Lawrence D. Coppel ‘69
David S. Cordish ‘63 and Susan K. Cordish
Marjorie A. Corwin ‘81 and Neil J. Schechter ‘81
Hannah L. Cross ‘13
Kevin C. Cruz ‘14
Robert B. Curran ‘74 and Rose M. Matricciani ‘89
Jay A. Dackman ‘82
Sarah David ‘13 and Glenn A. Gordon ‘13
The Honorable Andre M. Davis ‘78 and Jessica Strauss
Mark L. Desgrosseilliers ‘99
Ranjit S. Dhindsa ‘95
Dr. Beth G. Diamond ‘91 and Blair Berman
Ryan R. Dietrich ‘04 and Andrea Dietrich
Elizabeth S. Donley ‘90
David D. Downes ‘62
Susan DuMont ‘16
Laura L. Dunn ‘14
Leah V. Durant ‘04

Letam P. Duson ‘13
Jared S. Dvornicky ‘13
Robert E. L. Eaton, Jr. ‘66
Mark Edelson ‘10
Christine A. Edwards ‘83
Saul A. Ehrenpreis ‘11 and Serra J. Schlanger ‘11
John C. Eidleman ‘69
Jonathan D. Eisner ‘93 and Jill R. Eisner ‘93
Kirk J. Emge ‘74
William L. England ‘94
Emma Evans John T. Everett ‘10
Ryan E. Ewing ‘15
Richard J. Facciolo ‘96
The Honorable John F. Fader, II ‘68
and Kathryn K Fader
Faith Schreiber Feingold
Andrew W. Finley ‘83 and Joann Finley
Dr. Michael Fiocco
Emmanuel A. Fishelman ‘14 and Lisa M. Piccinini ‘14
Jill A. Frankenfield ‘21
Shannon Frede ‘16
Jeffrey A. Friedman ‘94 and Laura W. Friedman
The Honorable Karen C. Friedman ‘97
and Howard Friedman
Louis F. Friedman ‘65 and Phyllis C. Friedman ‘77
John B. Frisch ‘83 and Laurie A. Frisch
Concepcion Funcia Karen Russell Gally ‘96
Stanford G. Gann ‘55 and Audrey Gann
Eduardo Garcia ‘14 and Wandaly Fernández Garcia ‘14
Herbert S. Garten ‘51
Richard D. Gelfman ‘72 and The Honorable Lenore R. Gelfman
Jonathan M. Genn ‘82
Chuck Gifford and Jackie Gifford
William B. Gilmore
Sandra P. Gohn ‘79
Jaime Gonzalez ‘18
Richard S. Gordon ‘89 and Anna L. Davis ‘90
The Honorable Robert A. Gordon ‘82 Joyce J. Gorman ‘77
Professor Mark A. Graber and Dr. Julia Bess Frank
James E. Gray ‘70
Andrew B. Greenspan ‘85 and Nancy Harford
John N. Greer ‘87
Eric A. Grote ‘15
Puja Gupta ‘08
James J. Hanks, Jr. ‘67 and Sabine Hanks
Joseph R. Hardiman ‘62 and Katherine M. Hardiman
The Honorable Michelle Harner and Paul Harner
The Honorable Glenn T. Harrell, Jr. ‘70
Caroline G. Harris ‘79 and Howard Goldman
The Honorable Ellen M. Heller ‘77 and Shale D. Stiller
Amber Hendrick ‘13
Barry J. Herman ‘99
Lowell G. Herman ‘77
Naila A. Herrera Drijas ‘21
Sharon R. Herron ‘97
Wallace J. Hoff
Ann F. Hoffman ‘72
The Honorable Marcella A. Holland ‘83
Lawrence L. Hooper, Jr. ‘78
Henry H. Hopkins ‘68 and Nancy Hopkins
Brenda Hornstein
Joseph W. Hovermill ‘93 and Virginia A. Hovermill ‘92
The Honorable Barbara Kerr Howe ‘69
Mark S. Hyman ‘95
John B. Isbister ‘77 and Dr. Sandra S. Isbister

Members of the Maryland Carey Law School Club (MCLSC) are philanthropic leaders committed to sustaining the law school’s ability to educate future leaders and shape law and policy. Donors who give $1,000 or more during the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) become members of the MCLSC  (graduates of the last decade qualify for membership at lower levels). We are grateful to these donors who pave the way for a bright future.

James S. Jacobs ‘78 and Hillary Jacobs 
Garry W. Jenkins   
Jean M. Jones ‘83  
Cameron Jordan ‘15  
Eric Kahn and Lauren Kahn 
Daniel E. Kaprow ‘16  
Richard M. Karceski   
Caleb M. Karpay ‘14  
Charles Kassir ‘19
Ty Kelly ‘02  
Stephen S. Kho ‘95  
Robert J. Kim ‘83 and Leslie Kim 
R. Jeff Knight ‘08 and  Heidi Price Knight ‘08
Frederick S. Koontz ‘73  
Sharon Krevor-Weisbaum ‘87 and Harold R. Weisbaum 
Brandon Kublanow   
Joey Kublanow and Sarah Kublanow
Susan Kublanow and Aaron Kublanow 
Jonathan M. Kucskar ‘21 and Emily L. Levenson ‘07
Howard K. Kurman ‘75 and Roslyn Kurman
Patrick F. Kyhos ‘14  
Richard J. Kypta ‘83  
Julie E. Landau ‘80  
Andrea Leand   
Jon J. Lee   
Jennifer S. Leete ‘93  
Lewis E. Leibowitz ‘75 and Patricia Leibowitz 
John F. Lessner ‘93  
Professor Susan P. Leviton ‘72  
Andrew D. Levy ‘81 and Sandra R. Levy 
Carol Schild Levy and Martin J. Levy 
Douglas A. Levy ‘96  
Roberta Levy-Dodge   
Dave Lewis ‘97 and Robin J. Schoeps Lewis ‘97
Ava E. Lias-Booker ‘86  
Thomas A. Lisle ‘66 and Beverly Lisle 
Dr. Abigail Lubow ‘12
David M. Lynn ‘95  
Jeffrey W. Maddrey ‘92 and Nicole M. Maddrey ‘92
Peter L. Malkin   
Robert A. Manekin ‘73 and Vivian D. Manekin 
Anthony R. Manganaro   
The Honorable Richard W. Manning ‘74  
David M. Martin ‘88  
Erin Frazee Masini ‘09     
Jade D. McDuffie McClary ‘16  
Lindsey N. McCulley ‘12  
Catherine E. McGrath ‘18  
Lila N. Meadows ‘15  
Megan K. Mechak ‘03  
C. Keith Meiser ‘68  
Bruce S. Mendelsohn ‘77 and Debra L. Mendelsohn ‘76
Michael A. Meredith ‘68 and Carolyn F. Meredith 
Abel J. Merrill ‘64 and Susan Merrill 
Eugene Modell and Marsha Modell 
Connie M. Molter ‘13  
Charles O. Monk, II ‘74  
Daniel Moore ‘19
Adora E. Ndu ‘15  
Jim Neary and Rebecca Neary 
Stephen J. Nolan ‘76  
John D. North ‘77  
David K. Oestreicher   
Jerald J. Oppel ‘70  
Andreas John Ortmeyer and Dr. Karina R. Marciani ‘98
Christine C. Osborne
Elton L. Owens ‘03
Meagan M. Pace '18
Dean T. Pappas ‘83 and Maria Pappas
Dr. Eric Peltosalo ‘74
Colleen A. Pence ‘86 and Stephen Pence
Bernard G. Peter, Jr. ‘69  
K. Brigid Peterson
Thomas R. Petty 

William J. Pittler ‘59 and Helene K. Pittler 
Joanne E. Pollak ‘76 and Mark Pollak 
The Honorable Mary Louise Preis ‘83
and Dr. Frederick G. Preis
Dr. Mia Martin Puyang ‘99  
Eshawn R. Rawlley ‘14  
Gretchen Redden  
Tom J. Renner ‘70  
Dr. Charles B. Reuland and Melissa Reuland 
Peter H. Rheinstein, M.D., J.D., FAAFP ‘73  
Tom C. Ries ‘79 and  Leslie S. Ries ‘80
Megan Nichols Rosan ‘06  
Adam Rosman   
Kimberly W. Ross ‘93  
Garland W. Rowland ‘14  
The Honorable George L. Russell, Jr. ‘54  
Elisabeth A. Sachs  and  David A. Sheehy 
Benjamin S. Salsbury ‘07 and  Rebecca C. Salsbury ‘08
Stuart M. Salsbury ‘71 and  Suzanne B. Salsbury ‘73
Bill C. Sammons ‘70 and  Kay B. Sammons 
Bryan K. Saxton ‘09  
William Schab ‘74  
Alice A. Schreiber ‘70
Matthew R. Schroll ‘09 and Katrin Hussmann Schroll ‘09
Sarah Schuler ‘19
Edward Manno Shumsky ‘73 and Susan D. Kronick 
Hanan Y. Sibel ‘58  
Aarti K. Sidhu ‘18  
Robert A. Silva  
Rebecca Tabb Simmons ‘87  
The Honorable Michael W. Siri ‘01
and Michelle Daugherty Siri ‘02
Rosanne F. Skirble   
Professor Judy B. Sloan ’75 and Dr. William Sloan
Gregory M. Smith and Elizabeth K. Smith 
Jennifer Chapman Smith ‘17  
Joseph Sedwick Sollers, III ‘82  
Jason M. St. John ‘00 and Toni Roth St. John ‘01
Joyce H. Stanley ‘93  
Lisa Y. Stevens ‘04  
Vanessa G. Stiffler-Claus ‘05  
Thaila K. Sundaresan ‘08  
Henry Talavera ‘89  
Charles M. Tatelbaum ‘66 and Kitty Tatelbaum 
Hugh R. Thomas ‘88 and Jennifer Harris Thomas ‘88
Craig A. Thompson ‘95
and Deborah K. St. Lawrence-Thompson ‘97
Paul A. Tiburzi ‘80  
Elva E. Tillman ‘87  
Professor Donald B. Tobin and Leigh Tobin
Stacie E. Tobin ‘92  
Sakkara Y. Turpin ‘14  
Jackson G. Upton ‘82  
Assoc. Dean Michael P. Van Alstine
and Lisa Burton Van Alstine 
Timothy R. VanCisin ‘19
Daniel E. Wagner ‘62  
Justin A. Wallace ‘15  
Judith S. Waranch ‘74  
Dr. Martin P. Wasserman ‘77 and Dr. Barbara Wasserman 
The Honorable Thomas J. Waxter, Jr. ‘62  
Darryl L. Webster ‘86  
Arnold M. Weiner ‘57 and Arleen Weiner 
Robert J. Weltchek ‘80  
Susan L. Whaley ‘78  
Alicia L. Wilson ‘07  
Benjamin Wolf and Nicole Pressly Wolf 
Judy Lyons Wolf   
Dr. Roxanna Wolfe  and  Jeffrey A. Wyand ‘77
Jeffrey A. Wyand ‘77 and Dr. Roxanna Wolfe 
Ping Xu ‘14  
Thomas F. Yost, Jr.   
Lawrence J. Yumkas ‘88 and  Miriam L. Fisher ‘85
W. Paul Zampol ‘77

The Board of Visitors is a collaborative forum and professional resource providing insight and support to the Dean on a range of issues critical to the continued growth and success of the law school. The Board functions as an advisory body with a strong professional and philanthropic commitment to the law school and as an important liaison to the legal and business communities. Thank you to all current and past members of the Board of Visitors.


The Honorable Angela D. Alsobrooks ‘96
Sara H. Arthur ‘83
The Honorable Alison L. Asti ‘79
The Honorable Mary Ellen Barbera ‘84
Dr. Anirban Basu ‘03
James R. Benjamin, Jr. ‘01
Darrell N. Braman ‘88
Marc S. Broady ‘16
David S. Cade ‘85
Paul S. Caiola ‘95
The Honorable Benjamin L. Cardin ‘67
Michael Carpenter
Glenn M. Cooper ‘73
Harriet E. Cooperman ‘78
The Honorable Andre M. Davis ‘78
Ranjit S. Dhindsa ‘95
Lynnette D. Espy-Williams ‘06
The Honorable Karen C. Friedman ‘97
Stanford G. Gann ‘55
Richard S. Gordon ‘89
James J. Hanks, Jr. ‘67
The Honorable Michelle Harner
Kristin Pickett Herber ‘01
Henry H. Hopkins, Esq. ‘68
Joseph W. Hovermill ‘93
Yitai Hu ‘94 John B. Isbister ‘77
Robert J. Kim ‘83

Sharon Krevor-Weisbaum ‘87
Howard K. Kurman ’75, Chair
Lewis E. Leibowitz ‘75
David M. Lynn ‘95
David M. Martin ‘88
M. Natalie McSherry ‘74
Dean T. Pappas ‘83, Secretary
Secretary K. Brigid Peterson ‘04
Alexandre H. Rene ‘95
Kimberly W. Ross ‘93
Benjamin S. Salsbury ‘07
Edward Manno Shumsky ‘73
Jason M. St. John ‘00
Paul A. Tiburzi ‘80
Stacie E. Tobin ‘92
Tamika B. Langley Tremaglio ‘95, Vice-Chair
Alicia L. Wilson ‘07

Emeritus Members of the Board

The Honorable Ellen M. Heller ’77
William J. Pittler ’59
Joanne E. Pollak ’76
Ava E. Lias-Booker ‘86
Charles M. Tatelbaum ’66
The Honorable Marcella A. Holland ’83


The purpose of the Alumni Board is to engage the law school’s alumni, friends, stakeholders, and current, prospective and admitted students by planning and executing outreach efforts designed to engage the Maryland Carey Law community as a way to promote the mission and achievements of the law school. Thank you to all current and past members of the Alumni Board.

Natalie Amato ‘11
Lindsay Barnes ‘12
Jodie Buchman ‘99
The Honorable William Carr ‘73
Christopher Chaulk ’15
Lauri Cleary ‘85
Rachel Cooper ‘17
Kaelyn Drumm ‘11
Susan DuMont ‘16
Jared Dvornicky ‘13
Ryan Ewing ‘14
Shannon Frede ‘16
Andrew Greenspan ‘85
Puja Gupta ‘08
Amy Hennen ‘09
Eric Hontz ‘13
Kim Johnson ‘93
Charles Kassir ‘19
Sara Alpert Lawson ‘07
Anya Marino ‘12
Erin Frazee Masini ‘09
Dr. Mark Matulef ‘00
Jade McDuffie McClary ‘16
Lindsey McCulley ‘12
Richard Melnick  ‘85
Derrick Milburn ‘13
Ryan Perlin ‘05
Amy Petkovsek  ‘06
Dr. Peter Rheinstein ‘73
Elizabeth Rosen ‘12
Aarti Sidhu ‘18
The Honorable Michael Studdard ‘94
Zara Thomas ‘19
Sakkara Turpin ‘14
Bruce Villard ‘12
Dr. Martin Wasserman ‘77
Ashley Wetzel ‘16
Michelle Wilson ‘04

The Honorable Steven V. Adler ‘07    
Leonard J. Attman and Phyllis L. Attman  
Erek L. Barron and Family     
Darrell N. Braman ‘88    
Kurt G. Briscoe ‘86 and Ann Lichti  
David S. Cade ‘85    
Robert T. Caffrey     
Thea Carter     
Dr. Marco A. Chacón and Debbie Chacón  
Harriet E. Cooperman ‘78    
David S. Cordish ‘63 and Susan K. Cordish  
Robert B. Curran ‘74 and Rose M. Matricciani ‘89
Jay A. Dackman ‘82    
The Honorable Andre M. Davis ‘78
and Jessica Strauss  
Susan DuMont ‘16    
Laura L. Dunn ‘14    
Leah V. Durant ‘04    
Christine A. Edwards ‘83    
Louis F. Friedman ‘65 and Phyllis C. Friedman ‘77
Karen Russell Gally ‘96    
Stanford G. Gann ‘55 and Audrey Gann  
Sandra P. Gohn ‘79    
William O. Goldstein ‘54 *  
Richard S. Gordon ‘89 and Anna L. Davis ‘90
Prof. Mark A. Graber and Dr. Julia Bess Frank  
Dr. Sheila Hafter Gray *
Puja Gupta ‘08    
Joseph R. Hardiman ‘62 and Katherine M. Hardiman  
Caroline G. Harris ‘79 and Howard Goldman  
The Honorable Ellen M. Heller ‘77 and Shale D. Stiller
The Honorable Marcella A. Holland ‘83    
Henry H. Hopkins ‘68 and Nancy Hopkins  
Brenda Hornstein 
Joseph W. Hovermill ‘93 and Virginia A. Hovermill ‘92
Robert J. Kim ‘83 and Leslie Kim
John F. Lessner ‘93 

Carol Schild Levy and Martin J. Levy  
Harriet Z. Levy *
David M. Lynn ‘95        
Anthony R. Manganaro     
David M. Martin ‘88    
Lindsey N. McCulley ‘12    
C. Keith Meiser ‘68    
Stephen J. Nolan ‘76    
David K. Oestreicher     
Christine C. Osborne
Dr. Eric Peltosalo ‘74    
Bernard G. Peter, Jr. ‘69    
William J. Pittler ‘59 and Helene K. Pittler  
Joanne E. Pollak ‘76 and Mark Pollak
The Honorable Mary Louise Preis ‘83
and Dr. Frederick G. Preis
Gretchen Redden
Benjamin S. Salsbury ‘07
and Rebecca C. Salsbury ‘08
Stuart M. Salsbury ‘71 and Suzanne B. Salsbury ‘73
Edward Manno Shumsky ‘73 and Susan D. Kronick  
Hanan Y. Sibel ’58
Robert A. Silva
Rosanne F. Skirble     
Elizabeth K. Smith and Gregory M. Smith  
Joseph Sedwick Sollers, III ‘82    
Jason M. St. John ‘00 and Toni Roth St. John ‘01
Lisa Y. Stevens ‘04    
Charles M. Tatelbaum ‘66 and Kitty Tatelbaum  
Elva E. Tillman ‘87    
Professor Donald B. Tobin and Leigh Tobin
Arnold M. Weiner ‘57 and Arleen Weiner  
Robert J. Weltchek ‘80    
Benjamin Wolf and Nicole Pressly Wolf  
Judy Lyons Wolf
Jeffrey A. Wyand ‘77 and Dr. Roxanna Wolfe  
Lawrence J. Yumkas ‘88 and Miriam L. Fisher ‘85

 * Indicates deceased member of our Maryland Carey Law community

Dr. Stuart D. Berger ‘87    
Gregg L. Bernstein ‘81 and Sheryl Goldstein  
M. Jason Brooke ‘10 and Mindy L. Ehrenfried ‘10
Paul S. Caiola ‘95    
Ranjit S. Dhindsa ‘95    
Professor Martha Ertman and Karen Lash  
John T. Everett ‘10    
The Honorable Karen Chaya Friedman ‘97
and Howard Friedman  
Wallace J. Hoff     
The Honorable Barbara Kerr Howe ‘69    
Richard M. Karceski     
R. Jeff Knight ‘08 and Heidi Price Knight ‘08
Sharon Krevor-Weisbaum ‘87 and Harold R. Weisbaum
Howard K. Kurman ‘75 and Roslyn Kurman
Andrea Leand     
Robert A. Manekin ‘73 and Vivian D. Manekin  
Erin Frazee Masini ‘09    
Eugene Modell and Marsha Modell  
Jim Neary and Rebecca Neary  
Bryan K. Saxton ‘09    
Matthew R. Schroll ‘09
and Katrin Hussmann Schroll ‘09
Thaila K. Sundaresan ‘08    
Craig A. Thompson ‘95
and Deborah K. St. Lawrence-Thompson ‘97
Dr. Martin P. Wasserman ‘77
and Dr. Barbara Wasserman  
Alicia L. Wilson ‘07

Dr. Deborah J. Arrindell ‘97
Loretta M. Bacon ‘16
Richard Bloch ‘71 and Carol Z. Bloch 
Professor David S. Bogen
The Honorable Josef B. Brown ‘59
and Gloria G. Brown 
Michael Benjamin Brown ‘15
and Susan R. Schipper ‘15
Professor Anne-Marie Carstens
Lauri Eff Cleary ‘85 and Sean E. Cleary 
Glenn M. Cooper ‘73
Marjorie A. Corwin ‘81 and Neil J. Schechter ‘81
Sarah David ‘13 and Glenn A. Gordon ‘13
Letam P. Duson ‘13
Mark Edelson ‘10
John C. Eidleman ‘69
Kirk J. Emge ‘74
Wandaly Fernández Garcia ‘14
and Eduardo Garcia ‘14
Herbert S. Garten ‘51
James E. Gray ‘70
The Honorable Michelle Harner and Paul Harner 
Barry J. Herman ‘99
Lawrence L. Hooper, Jr. ‘78
James S. Jacobs ‘78 and Hillary Jacobs 
Daniel E. Kaprow ‘16
Jonathan M. Kucskar ‘08 and Emily L. Levenson ‘07
Professor Susan P. Leviton ‘72
Ava E. Lias-Booker ‘86
Thomas A. Lisle ‘66 and Beverly Lisle 
Megan K. Mechak ‘03
Dean T. Pappas ‘83 and Maria Pappas 
William Schab ‘74
The Honorable Michael W. Siri ‘01
and Michelle Daugherty Siri ‘02
Vanessa G. Stiffler-Claus ‘05

Yewande A. Agboola ‘12 
Kenneth S. Aneckstein ‘96 
Judith A. Armold ‘71 
The Honorable Alison L. Asti ‘79
Elizabeth S. Baker ‘73 and Dr. Edward K. Baker
Dr. Peter Beilenson
Alexander E. Bennett and Brooksley Born
Leon W. Berg ‘75 
Hope I. Berman  
Richard O. Berndt ‘67 
Stephanie Anne Bilenker ‘98 
Ronald C. Brubaker ‘61 
The Honorable Joseph Norris Byrnes  
The Honorable Deborah K. Chasanow  
Debra S. P. Cheng ‘00 
The Honorable Alice P. Clark ‘82  
Professor Robert J. Condlin  
Deborah Cook  
Lawrence D. Coppel ‘69 
Mark L. Desgrosseilliers ‘99 
Dr. Beth G. Diamond ‘91 and Blair Berman
Ryan R. Dietrich ‘04 and Andrea Dietrich
Elizabeth S. Donley ‘90 
David D. Downes ‘62 
Robert E. L. Eaton, Jr. ‘66 
Saul A. Ehrenpreis ‘11 and Serra J. Schlanger ‘11
Jonathan D. Eisner ‘93 and Jill R. Eisner ‘93
William L. England ‘94 
Emma Evans  
Richard J. Facciolo ‘96 
The Honorable John F. Fader, II ‘68 and Kathryn K. Fader
Kevin P. Fay ‘73 
Faith Schreiber Feingold   
Andrew W. Finley ‘83 and Joann Finley
Dr. Michael Fiocco  
Shannon Frede ‘16 
Jeffrey A. Friedman ‘94 and Laura W. Friedman
John B. Frisch ‘83 and Laurie A. Frisch
Concepcion Funcia  
Richard D. Gelfman ‘72 and The Honorable Lenore R. Gelfman
Jonathan M. Genn ‘82 
Chuck Gifford and Jackie Gifford
William B. Gilmore  
The Honorable Robert A. Gordon ‘82 
Joyce J. Gorman ‘77 
Andrew B. Greenspan ‘85 and Nancy Harford
John N. Greer ‘87 
Maxine Z. Grosshans and Frank Grosshans
James J. Hanks, Jr. ‘67 and Sabine Hanks
The Honorable Glenn T. Harrell, Jr. ‘70 
Lowell G. Herman ‘77 
Sharon R. Herron ‘97 
Ann F. Hoffman ‘72 
Mark S. Hyman ‘95 
Garry W. Jenkins  
Jean M. Jones ‘83 
Eric Kahn and Lauren Kahn
Ty Kelly ‘02
Stephen S. Kho ‘95
Frederick S. Koontz ‘73 
Brandon Kublanow  
Joey Kublanow and Sarah Kublanow
Sam Kublanow and Marcia Kublanow
Richard J. Kypta ‘83 
Julie E. Landau ‘80 
Jon J. Lee  
Jennifer S. Leete ‘93 
Lewis E. Leibowitz ‘75 and Patricia Leibowitz
Andrew D. Levy ‘81 and Sandra R. Levy
Douglas A. Levy ‘96 
Roberta Levy-Dodge  
Dave Lewis ‘97 and Robin J. Schoeps Lewis ‘97
Abigail Lubow, Ph.D. ‘12 
Kenneth C. Lundeen ‘71 
Jeffrey W. Maddrey ‘92 and Nicole M. Maddrey ‘92
Peter L. Malkin  
The Honorable Richard W. Manning ‘74 
Bruce S. Mendelsohn ‘77 and Debra L. Mendelsohn ‘76
Michael A. Meredith ‘68 and Carolyn F. Meredith
Abel J. Merrill ‘64 and Susan Merrill
Charles O. Monk, II ‘74 
Adora E. Ndu ‘15 
John D. North ‘77 
Jerald J. Oppel ‘70 
Elton L. Owens ‘03
Meagan M. Pace ‘18 
Colleen A. Pence ‘86 and Stephen Pence
Thomas R. Petty  
Dr. Mia Martin Puyang ‘99 
Tom J. Renner ‘70 
Dr. Charles B. Reuland and Melissa Reuland
Dr. Peter H. Rheinstein ‘73
Tom C. Ries ‘79 and Leslie S. Ries ‘80
Megan Nichols Rosan ‘06 
Adam Rosman  
Kimberly W. Ross ‘93 
The Honorable George L. Russell, Jr. ‘54  
Bill C. Sammons ‘70 and Kay B. Sammons
Alice A. Schreiber ‘70  
Rebecca Tabb Simmons ‘87 
Dr. William Sloan and Professor Judy B. Sloan
Joyce H. Stanley ‘93   
Henry Talavera ‘89 
Hugh R. Thomas ‘88 and Jennifer Harris Thomas ‘88
Paul A. Tiburzi ‘80 
Stacie E. Tobin ‘92 
Jackson G. Upton ‘82 
Professor Michael P. Van Alstine and Lisa Burton Van Alstine
Timothy R. VanCisin ‘19 
Daniel E. Wagner ‘62 
Justin A. Wallace ‘15 
Judith S. Waranch ‘74 
The Honorable Thomas J. Waxter, Jr. ‘62 
Darryl L. Webster ‘86 
Susan L. Whaley ‘78 
Ping Xu ‘14 
Thomas F. Yost, Jr.  
W. Paul Zampol ‘77
Sara H. Arthur ‘83
Anthony P. Ashton ‘97 and Keisha Ashton
Andrew H. Baida ‘83 and Cynthia L. Spell ‘85
Matthew Ballard ‘04 and Leah Ballard 
Neal D. Borden ‘66
Joanna D. Brandt, M.D. ‘85 and Harry A. Brandt, M.D.
Robert G. Brewer, Jr. ‘76
Diana M. Caldas Lerman ‘13
Eleanor M. Carey ‘73
M. Michael Carpenter ‘63
Wei-Chen Chen ‘00
Alice C. Cherbonnier ‘75
Norma F. Cirincione
David B. Clissold ‘96
Michael P. Collins, Jr. ‘17
Sean C. Connors ‘80
G. Christopher Cosby ‘86 and Lisa Ellen Comer 
Hannah L. Cross ‘13
Barbara Dale
Carlos Davila-Caballero
Stewart Deutsch ‘59
Michael J. Dye ‘01 and Elizabeth C. Dye ‘01
The Honorable James R. Eyler ‘67
and The Honorable Deborah S. Eyler ‘81
Charles Fish
David S. Franke ‘79
Professor Kathryn Frey-Balter
Gordon D. Fronk ‘66
Barbara J. Fuller ‘96
Mark D. Gately ‘77
Patricia L. Gatling ‘82
Jerome G. Geraghty ‘76
Edward J. Gilliss ‘80 and Barbara S. Gilliss ‘82
Saul E. Gilstein ‘76
James J. Gitomer ‘72 and Shelley Gitomer 
Professor Sally B. Gold ‘76
Professor Leigh Goodmark
Ann Clary Gordon ‘76
Christina Jurkiewicz Grigorian ‘96
Gwen R. Grogan ‘00
Professor Toby Treem Guerin ‘02 and Patrick Guerin 
Marylee Hannan ‘90
Richard W. Harris ‘82
Mark K. Harrison ‘87 and Stephanie R. Harrison ‘88
Mary C. Hennessey
Kristin Pickett Herber ‘01
Eric K. Hontz ‘12
Edith Callan Hynes
William C. Isler, II ‘04
Cameron Jordan ‘15
Bill J. Kobokovich, Jr. ‘79 and Carla B. Ulgen ‘92
Irwin R. Kramer ‘87
Jonathan Kramer and Laurie Kramer
Aaron Kublanow and Susan Kublanow 
The Honorable Theresa A. Lawler ‘77
and George S. Lawler ‘78
Gerald H. Lean ‘68 and Selma Rozga Lean 
Leonard M. Linton, Jr. ‘69
Ruth A. Lusby ‘83
Peter F. Maher ‘85
Lloyd S. Mailman ‘54
Dr. Kieren Marr
Larnzell Martin, Jr.
Professor Mary Helen McNeal ‘86
Brian I. Merrill ‘90
Nathan A. Miley ‘76
Connie M. Molter ‘13
Joseph E. Moore ‘68 and Susan C. Moore 
Joseph T. Moran, Jr. ‘72
The Honorable Royce L. Morris ‘91
Andrew B. Nagel ‘18
Charles W. Newhall, III
Stephen C. Orenstein ‘68
Marika M. Ostendorf ‘87
Jennifer C. Peters ‘00
K. Brigid Peterson ‘04     
Karyn S. W. Polak
Brian Popko
Deborah Lynne Potter ‘90
Eric M. Ransom ‘07
Alexandre H. Rene ‘95
Mary Alice Richardson ‘66
The Honorable Paul M. Rosenberg ‘61
D. Lee Rutland ‘83
Andrew R. Sandler ‘75
Maureen P. Sanelli ‘92
C. Daniel Saunders ‘72
Steven G. Schwartz
Steven J. Sibel ‘85 and Joy Offit Sibel 
Garrett M. Smith ‘91
The Honorable James T. Smith, Jr. ‘68
and Sandra C. Smith 
Kerry D. Staton ‘80
John T. Stinson, Jr. ‘08
Tracey L. Stokes ‘95
Heather Foss Thomas
M. Melinda Thompson ‘81
William C. Trimble, Jr. ‘64
John C. Weiss, Jr. ‘52
The Honorable Pamela J. White
Lisa J. White-Hoxie ‘91
James L. Wiggins ‘78
Walter E. Wilson ‘91
Robert R. Winter ‘68 and Linda Winter
Daniel Woubishet ‘02
Sean W. Young ‘10
Kenneth B. Abel ‘92
Assoc. Dean Kristina J. Alayan
Andrew Altshuler and Carroll Altshuler
John A. Andryszak ‘76
Adebowale O. Ayeni ‘07
Herbert J. Belgrad ‘61
Herbert Better ‘68 and Michele H. Better
John M. Bird ‘00
Jonathan H. Bliley ‘08
Elizabeth A. Cooper Block ‘89
Asst. Dean Shara L. Boonshaft ‘02
Dorothy C. Boyce and John V. Ogden
James F. Brewer
Raymond D. Burke ‘78 and Vickey Burke
Diana M. Caldas Lerman ‘13
Kevin M. Capinpin
Dr. Alan T. Cariski ‘89
Cheryl L. Carr ‘94
Kaelyn M. Carroll ‘11
Chunmay Chang ‘78
The Honorable Rhonda Pindell Charles ‘79 and Marvin D. Charles
Wei-Chen Chen ‘00
The Honorable Sally C. Chester ‘79
John J. Connolly ‘91
Lee Carol Cook and William Cook
Matthew B. Cooper ‘91
The Honorable Richard A. Cooper ‘67 and Martha Cooper
Kevin C. Cruz ‘14
Mary Folline Cullen
Mary Malloy Dimaio ‘89
Christopher DiPietro
Kimberle E. Dodd ‘99 and William D. Jacques ‘99
Emerson L. Dorsey, Jr. ‘79
Jonathan W. Dunlay ‘82
Jared S. Dvornicky ‘13
Assoc. Dean Crystal Edwards
Mary Baker Edwards ‘89
Phyllis J. Erlich ‘67
Brenda S. Ewing ‘85
John F. Favazza, Jr. ‘97
Rochelle B. Fowler ‘87 and Newton B. Fowler, III
Laura Friedman
Mary Catherine Gaver ‘90
James A. Getz ‘11
Professor Donald G. Gifford and Nancy Gifford
Stephen N. Goldberg ‘71
Bob B. Goss ‘78 and Carolyn M. Patterson
Jessica A. Gray ‘04
The Honorable Clayton Greene, Jr. ‘76
Andrew B. Greenspan ‘85 and Nancy Harford
Alan M. Grochal ‘77 and Barbara Sugarman Grochal
Thomas H. Haller ‘83
Calvin I. Hamburger ‘61
Gregory K. Hare ‘76
The Honorable Edward R. K. Hargadon ‘80
Amber Hendrick ‘13
Richard B. Hill ‘89 and Eva H. Hill ‘90
Matthew J. Jablow
Sarah Jackson
Marise C. James ‘86
John W. Jansak ’65 *
Jay L. Jensen ‘85 and Sandra Jensen
Leo J. Jordan ‘60
Constance A. Junghans ‘82
Jonathan P. Kagan ‘93
John C. Kang ‘95 and Agnes Lee Kang
Laurence M. Katz ‘63 and Sandra L. Katz
Brian D. Katzenberg ‘11 and Courtney Katzenberg
John H. Knight ‘94
Judith Koffsky
Tracy D. Kulikowski ‘02
Teresa K. LaMaster ‘95
Sara Alpert Lawson ‘07
Vincent J. Leahy, Jr. ‘60
Terri G. Letica ‘87
William M. Levy ‘59
Jennifer Lundgren Lewis-David ‘97
C. Teddy Li ‘99
Ronald P. Locke ‘79
The Honorable M. Kenneth Long, Jr. ‘73
Lawrence Z. Lorber ‘70
Laurens MacLure, Jr. ‘81 and Anne MacLure
Molly K. Madden ‘12
Wayne L. Maggin ‘81
Joshua D. Mahan ‘04
Ana M. Manrara ‘08
Susan F. Martielli ‘83
Bradley V. Martorana ‘05
and Karlene E. Martorana ‘06
The Honorable Albert J. Matricciani, Jr. ‘73
and Susan Carol Elgin
Robert E. Mazer ‘79
Dr. Merle C. McCann
Natalie D. McCeney ‘79
Jade D. McDuffie McClary ‘16
M. Jacqueline McCurdy ‘58
Brian J. McNamara ‘86
Georgia L. Mercer
David A. Miller ‘88
Susan Huesman Mitchell ‘96
Randall Morgan ‘74
Marguerite E. H. Morrison ‘81
Jay I. Morstein ‘71 and Ellen L. Morstein
Susan G. Nathan ‘79
The Honorable Doug Nazarian
Scott A. Nelson ‘93
Cara L. O'Brien ‘07
Mary E. O'Byrne ‘99 and Marsden H. McGuire
Samantha C. Ofori ‘12 and Curtis Ofori
Matt M. Paavola ‘79
Ryan S. Perlin ‘05
Laura A. Pierson-Scheinberg ‘01
Professor Michael Pinard
Professor Thomas E. Plank ‘74 and Kathleen Plank
James P. Redding ‘83
The Honorable W. Milnor Roberts ‘72
The Honorable Bonnie Gullatt Schneider ‘88
The Honorable Martin H. Schreiber II ‘92
Margaret Lynch Selwood ‘07 and John P. Selwood
Melanie Shepherdson ‘00
Jane Ann Simpson
John M. Sipple, Jr. ‘73
Darlene A. Skinner ‘05
Dr. Einar Stole ‘00
Walter R. Stone ‘67
The Honorable Michael S. Studdard ‘94
Mark D. Sullivan ‘91
Stephen G. Swirnow ‘97 and Marcie Swirnow
Victor K. Tervala ‘89 and Debra J. Tervala ’86
Michael K. Tracton ‘99
Ken Y. Turnbull ‘99 and Leslie H. Spiegel ‘00
Bruce E. Villard, Jr. ‘12
Lawrence I. Wachtel ‘76
Andrew Wagner
Professor Marley S. Weiss
The Honorable Laura L. Wheat ‘82
Meg B. Whiteford ‘94
Stephen M. Wienner ‘91
Carol Ann Wildesen ‘73
Deborah Fry Wilson ‘91
Jane A. Wilson ‘87
Beverly L. Winstead ‘08
The Honorable William L. Witham, Jr. ‘73
J. Thomas Wolfe ‘73
Stanley D. Abrams ‘66
Sarah E. Adkisson ‘15
Dean Alfange, Jr.
June M. Alt ‘97
Natalie R. Amato ‘11
Ally M. Amerson
Christopher Anderson ‘18
Gary R. Anderson ‘72 and Barbara K. Anderson
Steven J. Anderson ‘79
Daniel D. Andresen ‘18
Barbara Arlette Arnold ‘98 and Steven W. Collier ‘99
Adetokunbo Arowojolu ‘17
The Honorable Kevin F. Arthur ‘87
Jay R. Atkins ‘68
Patricia A. Atkinson-Wagner
Jennifer Austin
Taraneh Azani ‘02
Katherine E. Baer ‘04
William R. Bailey ‘82
Lisbeth D. Baker ‘18
Betty Cockrill Bannat ‘85
Lindsay R. Barnes, III ‘12
Ronnie Barnes ‘16
Stephanie Kaye Baron ‘03
Michael S. Barranco ‘85
Andrew J. Barreto ‘12
Michael S. Barrett ‘02
Richard E. Bavaria
The Honorable Donald E. Beachley ‘80
Gregory M. Bedward ‘99
Keith W. Bell ‘73
Thomas M. Bell ‘86
David L. Bennett ‘78
Harvey J. Berger ‘70
Steven M. Berger ‘90
Victoria S. Berghel ‘77
Michael F. Berkey ‘76
Barry K. Berkson ‘52
Debra L. Leach Bernal ‘99
Cory Mettee Birdsall ‘03
Laura B. Black ‘88
Sheila K. Blackshear ‘17
Dan A. Blakinger ‘80
Andrew Blauner
Dr. David Robert Blazina
Debra Scurnick Block ‘89
Naana A. Boampong ‘14
Joan D. Bodie and Thomas G. Bodie
Professor Richard C. Boldt
The Honorable James A. Bonifant ‘82
Sherri L. Booye ‘98
Joan G. Boros ‘80
Richard V. Boswell ‘73
Ellen Cohen Bosworth ‘86
The Honorable William L. Boulden ‘83
Michael L. Bouyea ‘02 and Laura A. Bouyea ‘03
Glynnis A. Bowman ‘18
Ann Allston Boyce
Deborah D. Brain ‘84
The Honorable Nathan Braverman ‘81
and Lynn B. Sassin ‘81
Amy Lisa Breakwell
Marc S. Broady ‘16
Laura Brokaw
The Honorable Wayne A. Brooks ‘84
and Joanne Saunders Brooks ’85
Anne R. Brown ‘94
Lorna Tracy Brown ‘79
Michael J. Brown ‘93
Justin A. Browne ‘08 and Ramona Browne
Melody A. Brukiewa ‘98
Lori L. Bruun ‘94
Jodie E. Buchman ‘99
Debbie S. Buchwald ‘84
John Burkoff
Robin Burroughs ‘13
The Honorable John Carroll Byrnes ‘66
Amy B. Caiazza ‘11E. Trippe Callahan, Jr. ‘76
Henry Callegary ‘17 and Courtney Kuhn Callegary ‘17
Mary Kay Canarte ‘95
Jane A. Canter ‘86
Irvin N. Caplan ‘61
The Honorable Jon S. Cardin ‘01
Julia L. Cardozo ‘11
William E. Carlson ‘83
Eileen A. Carpenter ‘77
Lee Carpenter ‘06
The Honorable William O. Carr ‘73
Robert J. Carson ‘61
The Honorable James P. Casey ‘79
and The Honorable Evelyn Omega Cannon
Doris N. Celarier
Susan S. Chang ‘90
Apple Chapman ‘99 and Paul R. Versace ‘99
Christopher L. Chaulk ‘15
Joey Tsu-Yi Chen ‘10
Sylvia Chi ‘10
Andrew J. Chiang ‘09
Julia C. Chill ‘07
William G. Christoforo ‘78
Lauren E. Ciurca ‘10
Ian M. Clark ‘14
Robin Cleland ‘17
Debora L. Clovis ‘84 and David R. Durfee, Jr. ‘84
Victor L. Cohen ‘71
Professor Douglas L. Colbert
Lisa Brodie Cole ‘98
Samantha Collado ‘16
Chervonne Colon ‘08
Thomas F. Comber, III ‘51
The Honorable William G. Connelly ‘76
and Darlene A. Connelly
Rachel Cooper ‘17
Carmen E. Cortes-Sykes ‘90
Jamaica T. Cosby ‘17
Ronald E. Council, Jr. ‘97 and Kristin E. Council
Eugene W. Cunningham, Jr. ‘81
Diane J. Curran ‘81
Judge Yolanda Curtin
Professor Karen Czapanskiy
and Dana F. Czapanskiy
Nissim Dahan ‘78
Terry J. Dailey ‘79
Robert N. Daniels ‘05
Michael David, Ph.D. ‘99
Shauna Davis ‘11
Thomas J. Davis ‘76
A. Robert Davison ‘65 and Paula Katz
Luana M. Dean-Barber ‘90
Aaron B. DeGraffenreidt ‘12
Brian C. Denton ’82 and M. Theresa McDonough ‘82
Michael I. Diamond ‘85
The Honorable Yvette N. Diamond ‘85
Edward S. Digges, III ‘04
David V. Diggs ‘86
Neil J. Dilloff
Alfred J. Dirska ‘71
Sheldon N. Dobres ‘65
Joseph D. Dogan ‘20
Michael P. Donnelly ‘76
Kristen L. Dorsey ‘06
John H. Doud, III ‘68
Vanassa H. Douglas ‘05
William W. Downes, Jr. ‘76
Herbert I. Dunn ‘70
Mitchell Dupler
Gardner M. Duvall ‘86
Oliver H. Easterwood ‘69
Professor Eric B. Easton ‘89
Meryl L. K. Eddy ‘82 and Stephen P. Eddy
Associate Dean Deborah T. Eisenberg
and Neil Eisenberg
Sean K. Elavia ‘08
John Englander and Dr. Nina Englander
Amy L. Epstein ‘83
Robert M. Ercole ‘80 and Maureen M. Ercole
Ryan E. Ewing ‘15


Beverly C. Falcon ‘77
Patricia A. Fanning
Leonard F. Feldman ‘93
Nadine G. Felix ‘87
Andrea L. Fellows ‘19
Joshua J. Felsen ‘02 and Christina R. Felsen ’02
Rebecca A. Fenneman ‘96
James M. Fensterwald
Molly Erin Grace Ferraioli ‘10
Darren Charles Fields ‘97
Robin A. Finizio Kessler ‘85
Jeanne M. Fink ‘98
Christine E. Fischer Senseney ‘78
David B. Fischer ‘91
Emmanuel A. Fishelman ‘14 and Lisa M. Piccinini ’14
Susie Flax
Carol Lee Fogler ‘91
The Honorable Suzanne S. Fox ‘72
Jill A. Frankenfield ‘21
Carolyn E. Frazier ‘83
Charles Freeland ‘65 and Beverly K. Freeland ’73
Otis W. Freeman ‘09
Charles B. Frey ‘72
Sidney S. Friedman ‘74
Kirby Gaddy
Eleanor Gaer
Nathan Gardner-Andrews ‘05
The Honorable John H. Garmer ‘64
Gene M. Garner, II ‘86
Ronald S. Gass ‘79
The Honorable Susan K. Gauvey
and Dr. David  E. Kern
Samara R. Gerson ‘02 and Shane Gerson
Virginia Giannini ‘19
Roberta L. Gill ‘72
Maureen K. Gitonga ‘19
Leslie E. Goldsborough, III ‘89
Frank R. Goldstein ‘67
Sr. Associate Dean Barbara S. Gontrum
John T. Gontrum ‘10
Jaime Gonzalez ‘18
Rodger N. Goodacre ‘80
Cheryl F. Gordon ‘20
Hedy H. Gordon ‘83
Professor Michael Greenberger
Karyn Gross
Eric A. Grote ‘15
Ken Gubin ‘68
Joseph C. Gutberlet ‘12
Anne E. Haffner-Hurley ‘06 and Timothy M. Hurley ’06
Samantha Hailey-Granderson ‘05
Sandra F. Haines ‘80
Waller S. Hairston ‘62
Rebecca N.W. Hall ‘13
Christopher J. Hamaty ‘92
Dr. Glen L. Hampton ‘71
Frederick S. Harris ‘63
Terry J. Harris ‘01
Paul D. Hazlehurst ‘90
Julien A. Hecht ‘78
Pam D. Heckler and Mike Lutz
Marlow A. Henderson ‘03
Amy P. Hennen ‘09
Naila A. Herrera Drijas ‘21
Marc J. Hertzberg ‘95
Tacey J. Himelfarb ‘96
Deborah Hines
Victoria Hoffberger
Charles M. Hogg, Jr. ‘94
Peter D. Hogge ‘12
Professor Kathleen Hoke ‘92 and Chip Giese
David H. Hollander, Jr. ‘91
David S. Holzer ‘81
Harvey A. Holzman ‘64
Kelly A. Hooper-McCamey ‘02
Charlton T. Howard, III ‘88
Lucy L. Howard
Peter J. Huang ‘85
Bryan Hull ‘11
Gary M. Hyman ‘75
David S. Iannucci ‘79 and Mary Ann Blotzer
ouglas R. Irminger ‘83
Steven B. Isbister ‘12
Kenneth A. Isen ‘76 and Beth A. Isen
Emily C. Jaskot ‘11
C. Laurence Jenkins, Jr. ‘70
The Honorable Karen Murphy A. Jensen ‘80
Wesley C. Jockisch ‘64
Cassandra Tsintolas Johnson ‘78 and Randel Keith Johnson’79
Harry S. Johnson ‘79
Kim Y. Johnson ‘93
Marci L. Johnson ‘94
Marilyn l. Johnson ‘72
George W. Johnston
Sylvester L. Jones ‘83
VADM Timothy W. Josiah ‘80
Caleb M. Karpay ‘14
Charles Kassir ‘19
Dr. Leon D. Katz and Gail Amalia Katz
Andrew S. Katzenberg ‘07
Robert W. Kaufman ‘76
Richard C. Keene ‘67
Gary M. Kelly ‘77
Michael J. Kelly and Narindar Kelly
Dr. Michael J. Kelly ‘74
Dr. Rita Khanna ‘95
Stephen W. Kiehl ‘12
Susan Durbin Kinter ‘90
Bonnie A. Kirkland ‘83 and Wanda J. Bair
Elaine McCoy Kirstaetter ‘82
Wallace Kleid ‘71
Victoria Klein ‘19
Lawrence M. Kloze ‘66
David M. Kochanski ‘73
Mark H. Kolman  ‘71
Keith E. Kolodgie ‘92
The Honorable Marc A. Korman ‘10
Mondre H. Kornegay ‘95
Stanley R. Kramer ‘77
Jonathan R. Krasnoff ‘80 and Wendi B. Sugarman
Yale Kravitt
Deborah Kravitz ‘91
The Honorable Warren J. Krug ‘69
Selorm K. Kumah ‘19
James A. Kushner ‘68
Patrick F. Kyhos ‘14
John Eaton Kyle
The Honorable Lawrence S. Lanahan, Jr. ‘63
Alvin M. Lapidus ‘53
Kevin P. LaTulip ‘01
Shancethea N. Leatherwood ‘97
Dr. Victoria Lees
Thomas P. Leff ‘95
Jonas D. Legum ‘75
Dorothy J. Lennig ‘87 and Vernon A. Krause, Jr.
Diane P. Lewis ‘18
Jonathan D. Libber ‘78 and Belle Libber
Sherie Brook Libber ‘77 and Samuel M. Libber
Origelsa Ligu
Nadine T. Lindsay ‘18
Terri L. Linton Ayers ‘89
Yu Lan Liu
Oscar J. Llorin ‘06
Kierra Lloyde ‘19
Charles J. Long ‘76
Mary G. Lunis ‘90
Randy M. Lutz ‘70 and Helene G. Lutz
David M. Lyon ‘75 and Katharine M. Lyon
* Indicates deceased member of our
Maryland Carey Law community


James M. Mac Donald ‘69
Deborah E. Mack ‘87
Matthew H. Mackenzie ‘11
Lawrence M. Macks ‘84
Natalie L. Maddox ‘12
Ken Maher
Edward J. Makowski, Jr. ‘73
John A. Makres ‘20
The Honorable John M. Maloney ‘88
Andrea Marcin ‘18
Anya A. Marino ‘12
William B. Marker ‘76 and Nancy E. Tuckett
C. Michael Marschall ‘94
Richard R. Martell ‘06
Linda L. Martin ‘02
Takeia R. Martin ‘01
Patrick G. Martinez ‘84
Guy B. Maseritz ‘66 and Sally Jane Maseritz
Cody Mason ‘15
Laura K. Mateczun ‘14
John S. Mathias ‘79
William T. Mathias ‘96 and Lisa DeRosa Mathias ’96
Jolie H. Matthews ‘87
Kevin B. Mattingly ‘09 and Karen Mattingly
Dr. Mark L. Matulef ‘00 and Dolores A. Acquista
Thomas M. McCray-Worrall ‘10
Mark D. McCurdy ‘81
Christina E. McDonald ‘00
Donna S. McDowell ‘82
Rosanna McGarrahan
Catherine E. McGrath ‘18
Daniel F. McGuire ‘93 and Jennifer McGuire
The Honorable Thomas I. McKnew, Jr. ‘60
Patricia Lyman McLean ‘80
Christine K. McSherry ’91
and Frederick M.Hopkins‘92
Susan B. McTighe ‘88
Laura McWeeney
Lila N. Meadows ‘15
William C. Megary ‘75
Richard H. Melnick ‘85
Scott I. Mendelsohn ‘08
John Mietus and Andrea Mietus
Derrick D. Milburn ‘13 and Zara Thomas ’19
Eugene L. Miles, III ‘71
Professor Michael Millemann
and Sally C. Millemann
David A. Miller ‘88
Timothy K. Millington ‘19
David B. Mitchell ‘96
Luce Molinari
Professor Paula A. Monopoli 
Daniel Moore ‘19
Dr. Ann C. Morrill ‘05
Bryan L. Mosca ‘10
Charles S. Mullett ‘63
Susan S. Myerberg ‘76
Jeffrey H. Myers ‘80 and Gail R. Myers
Ilene J. Nathan ‘78
Stuart M. Nathan ‘76
Donald Needle ‘62
G. Macy Nelson ‘81 and Ann MacNeille ’82
Jonathan D. Newman ‘94
Jerome A. Nicholas, Jr. ‘78
The Honorable William M. Nickerson ‘62
Chibuzo H. Nwatu ‘18
Tricia D. O'Neill ‘87
Uzoma C. Obi ‘98
Peggy R. Odick ‘78
Olorunfunmi O. Ojetayo ‘12
Michele Ondra
Eric G. Orlinsky ‘92
Samuel J. Oshinsky ‘80
Elizabeth G. Osterman ‘83
Catherine Gamper Ottenritter ‘18
Oliver S. Palmer ‘80
Ryan P.  Palmer ‘98
Juan D. Parcero ‘20
The Honorable Floyd L. Parks, Jr. ‘70
and Lanetta W. Parks
Bridget Parlato and Jeffrey Trueman
Jude Pate and Christine Pate
Robin J. Pecora ‘75
Roger J. Pedersen ‘74
Mary E. Peitersen ‘83
Elizabeth M. Pendleton ‘80
Floyd B. Penn ‘08
Professor Robert V. Percival
Jose Luis Perez
Barbara Kind Perry ‘73
Thomas G. Peter ‘70 and Sheila S. Peter
Amy L. Petkovsek ‘06
Neal H. Phillips ‘88
William Piermattei ‘99
Mary Dee Pifrr
Judith F. Plymyer ‘79
Douglas V. Pope ‘70
Susannah E. Prucka ‘06
Daniel W. Pugh ‘94
Mary S. Raivel ‘93
Jennifer Larrabee Rakes ‘03
Isabelle M. Ramos
Eshawn R. Rawlley ‘14
Brian M. Reimer ‘89
Tsehaitu G. Retta ‘12
Kelli Hunter Reynolds ‘98
The Honorable Barry D. Richmond ‘67
Judith Horowitz Richter ‘97
Amelia Riley
Ruth F. Riley ‘90 and J. Michael Riley
Raymond C. Rinaldi, Sr. ‘63
Phyllis J. Ringler ‘82
Peter B. Robb ‘76
Norman P. Rocklin ‘53
Amir R. Rohani ‘06
Professor Florence Wagman Roisman
Elizabeth Morehouse Rosen ‘12
Bryan Roslund ‘94
David A. Roth ‘85
Garland W. Rowland ‘14
Laurie Rozen
Benjamin J. Rubin ‘02
Lynn Rubin
The Honorable George L. Russell, III ‘91
and The Honorable Devy Patterson Russell
Sheila C. Russian ‘93
Mary Ann Ryan ‘88
C. Frederick Ryland


Kenneth Saenz
Beverly B. Salmon ‘90
Patricia A. Sameth ‘82
The Honorable Gregory Sampson ‘85
and Ingrid E. McDonald Sampson ’86
Cynthia Blake Sanders ‘99 and David S. Bakker
Rebecca Sandler
Jessica E. Sanet ‘08
Elizabeth P. Sauer Hopkins ‘11
Mary B. Schaefer ‘02
The Honorable Donna M. Schaeffer ‘85
Margaret Schapiro
Lois J. Schiffer
Cristina E. Schmidt ‘05
M. Teresa Schmiedeler
Stephen A. Schneeberger ‘66
Matthew P. Schofield ‘18
The Honorable Martin H. Schreiber, II ‘92
Sandy D. Schreiber ‘72 and Tobey  S. Schreiber  
Sarah Schuler ‘19
Sheldon P. Schuman ‘65
Gregory G. Schwab ‘04
Arline E. Schwartz
Eric B. Schwartz ‘91
John T. Seery ‘14
Celeste T. Senechal ‘88
Joan E. Sessoms-Ford ‘71
Anuj A. Shah ‘04
Lee A. Sheller ‘78 and Dr. Tina H. Sheller
Dr. John V. Sherwin ‘91
Raymond K. Shin ‘08
John P. Shoaff ‘99
Stephen L. Shochet ‘67
Aarti K. Sidhu ‘18
Dr. Alexander M. Siegel ’09 and Julie Surrell Siegel ‘10
Edith Sievers
David A. Silberg ‘68 and Gaye Abramson Silberg
Rachel A. Simmonsen ’11 and Derek S. Simmonsen ‘12
Andrew Sindler
M. Christine Sinelli-Lamos ‘95
Professor Matiangai V. Sirleaf
Alexander P. Slafkosky ‘16
The Honorable Paul Smelkinson ‘61
Wayne M. Smiley ‘87
Gary W. Smith ‘54
Henry A. Smith, III ‘82
Jennifer Chapman Smith ‘17
Michael P. Smith ‘82
Glenn D. Solomon ‘84
Berryl A. Speert ‘64
The Honorable R. Noel Spence ‘58
Paul Spindel and Ann Spindel
Bianca R. Spinosa ‘20
Peter J. Stackpole ‘99
Professor Maxwell Stearns
Jonathan P. Stebenne ‘87
Hersh Stein ‘54
Jana Stengel
Rita P. Stolper ‘79
Pamela J. Stone ‘11
Francine R. Strauss ‘88
Dr. Lin Sun-Hoffman ‘00
Richard D. Sussman and Amy Sussman
Judith K. Sykes ‘69
Paula M. Szabo ‘80
Lois Tarter
Robin Taub
Laura P. Taylor ‘18
Joseph B. Tetrault ‘89
Linda Thomas
Susan D. Thomas ‘73
Kenny Thornally
Anne C. Tinoco ‘09
Hope Tipton
Mark R. Tolosky ‘80
Maximilian L. Tondro ‘10
Jeffrey Trueman and Bridget Parlato
Danielle P. Turnipseed ‘09
Sakkara Y. Turpin ‘14
Katherine Tyler
Robert Uhlfelder ‘01
Kate Urquiola
William K. Van Horne ‘99
Paul R. Versace ‘99 and Apple Chapman ’99
Frederick S. Vondy ‘96
Tina M. Waddell ‘86
The Honorable Sean D. Wallace ‘85
Derrick Wang ‘13
J. H. Wannamaker, III ‘82
Andrea R. S. Watkins ‘86
Brian P. Weeks ‘09
Professor Deborah J. Weimer
Alan R. Weinstein ‘74
Robert J. Weinstein ‘73
The Honorable Wayne L. Weismandel ‘82
Ashley A. Wetzel ‘16
The Honorable Charles H. Wheatley, III ‘59
Andrew M. Whelan ‘76
Hannah M. Whitman ‘12
Elizabeth C. Wiggins ‘87 and Steven Breckler
Adrian K. Wilairat ‘06
Lisa B. Williams ‘80
Wendy Webb Williams ‘01
The Honorable Alan M. Wilner ‘62
Michelle K. Wilson ‘04
Priscilla Wilson-Milton ‘84
Gedalia Winchell
Nicole Windsor
Sander L. Wise ‘60
Gerard W. Wittstadt, Jr.
Rachel A. Wohl ‘88
Joyce L. Wright ‘82
Samuel H. Wright ‘72
Ivan Yacub ‘96
Jennifer Sheff Yeagle ‘04 and Benjamin Yeagle
Edward W. Yee ‘98
Anthony S. Yoe ‘18
Dr. Sean Young
William P. Young, Jr. ‘65 and Frances M. Young
Steven E. Zalesch
Andrew G. Zehner ‘92
Donald H. Zimmerman
Seymour Zuckerman ‘56


Maryland Carey Law is enormously fortunate to be the beneficiary of donations from corporations, foundations, and organizations. Their support funds the numerous programs, activities, and scholarships at the law school.  We thank these organizations for their generosity in furthering the law school’s mission.

Aaron & Lillie Straus Foundation, Inc.
Baker Donelson
Ballard Spahr, LLP
Brown Advisory Charitable Foundation
Brown, Goldstein & Levy, LLP
Charles Crane Family Foundation, Inc.
Daniel Joseph Foundation, Inc.
Deloitte & Touche LLP
DLA Piper LLP (US)
Dolan Family Foundation
Donald D. Rogers Foundation, Inc.
Erin Michele Levitas Education Foundation, Inc.
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP
Gallagher, Evelius & Jones, LLP
Goldseker Foundation
Goodell DeVries
Gordon Wolf & Carney, Chartered
Gordon Feinblatt LLC
Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention
Harry A. Cole Judicial Council
Joseph J. Balsamo Properties
Kramon & Graham, P.A.
Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Charitable Foundation
Levin Gann PA
L.L. Dunn Law Firm, PLLC
Lois & Philip Macht Family Philanthropic Fund
Maryland Association for Justice
Maryland Legal Services Corporation
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
McGuire Woods LLP
Miles & Stockbridge, P.C.
Murphy Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.
National Association for Law Placement, Inc.
Offit Kurman
Open Society Institute
Paul Cordish Memorial Fund
Pessin Katz Law, P.A.
Richard, Ann John & James Solomon Families Foundation
Rifkin Weiner Livingston LLC
Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr, LLP
Semmes, Bowen & Semmes
Shapiro Sher Guinot & Sandler PA
Sierra Club Maryland
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Sozosei Foundation
T. Rowe Price Foundation Inc.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
The Campbell Foundation
The Gay Wise Foundation
The Green Fund
The Hardiman Family Foundation, Inc.
The Louis and Phyllis Friedman Foundation
Thomas F. Yost, Jr., P.A.
Tydings & Rosenberg, LLP
Venable Foundation, Inc.
Venable LLP
Williams, Moore, Shockley, Harrison, LLP
Womble Bond Dickinson
Zechman Foundation, Inc.

The Legacy Council recognizes generous, forward-thinking donors who have made provisions through their estate plans or other planned giving vehicles to support the law school. Planned giving allows our donors the opportunity to make a personal statement to help shape the future of Maryland Carey Law and ensures that they will be remembered for their impact for many generations. We are deeply grateful for the thoughtful generosity of the donors listed in the Legacy Council.

The Honorable Milton B. Allen, Sr. ‘49 *
and Martha Allen
Dorothy Ann Altwarg and Sheldon H. Altwarg *
Estate of Mary Arabian ‘44 *
June W. Auerbach ‘55 *
John H. Barrett ‘38 *
Mary Patricia Baxter ‘79
Frederick E. Beachley ‘32 *
Irving L. Becker ‘62 *
Charles G. Bernstein
Donna R. Blaustein ‘71 and Dr. Arnold S. Blaustein
Calhoun Bond ‘49 *
The Honorable Elsbeth L. Bothe ‘52 *
James R. Brown, III ‘61 *
T. Carroll Brown ‘50 *
William M. Canby ‘58 *
Francis J. Carey, Jr. *
The Honorable Clayton C. Carter ‘46 *
Laroy I. Chadwick ‘52 *
The Honorable * and Mrs. W. Calvin Chesnut *
Walter L. Clark ‘02 *
Edward G. Comrie ‘57 *
A. Samuel Cook ‘46 *
Phyllis N. Cooper and Gerald H. Cooper ‘51 *
Mark D. Coplin ‘52 and Judith Coplin ‘79 *
Deborah Drimmer
William B. Dulany ‘53 *
Chrystal T. Edwards *
Estate of Dorothy L. Campbell *
Estate of Martha L. Ham *
Estate of Carlyn Hubert *
Estate of Sigmund Levin *
Robert Farkas ‘52 *
Joel D. Fedder, Esq. ‘58 * and Ellen S. Fedder *
Faith Schreiber Feingold and Edgar L. Feingold ‘58 *
The Honorable Benjamin H. Foreman ‘51 *
 & Adelle M. Foreman *
Stanford G. Gann ‘55 and Audrey Gann
Rhona S. Ginsberg *
William O. Goldstein ‘54 *
Joseph R. Hardiman ‘62
The Honorable Joel Ansell Harmatz ‘58 *
Catharine S. Hecht *
Emma Ruth Hedeman *
Robert E. Hedeman ‘73 *
Stanley S. Herr * and Raquel Herr
Estate of Amos A. Holter ‘32 *
Brenda Hornstein and Professor Alan Hornstein *
Francis N. Iglehart, Jr. ‘52 *
Professor Laurence M. Jones ‘78 *
Mary Elizabeth Kurz ‘71
William P. Lane, Jr. *
Barbara E. Larson ‘04

Victor H. Laws ‘41 * and Elaine T. Laws
Vincent J. Leahy, Jr. ‘60
The Honorable Michael W. Lee ‘78 *
Harriet Z. Levy * and The Honorable Stanley M. Levy *
Ava E. Lias-Booker ‘86
Thomas A. Lisle ‘66 and Beverly Lisle
John E. Magers, Jr. ‘38 *
James B. Maginnis, Esq. ‘41 *
M. Jacqueline McCurdy ‘58
Abel J. Merrill, Esq. ‘64 and Susan Merrill
J. Henry Murdock ‘53 *
Philip E. Nuttle, Jr. ‘66 *
Leonard A. Orman, Esq. ‘55 * and Barbara G. Orman
Christine C. Osborne and Hamish S. Osborne ‘86 *
Glenn C. Parker, Sr. ‘58 * and Dorothy Parker *
Doris Patz *
Dr. Eric Peltosalo ‘74
Bernard G. Peter, Jr. ‘69 and Ellen C. Peter
William J. Pittler ‘59 and Helene K. Pittler
Charles J. Potts ‘37 *
James C. Praley ‘81
Constance K. Putzel ‘45 *
John Corey Qua ‘71 * and Madeline Corey Qua
Roger D. Redden ‘57 * and Gretchen Redden
Estate of William Rees ‘47 *
Charles P. Revoile ‘60 and Sally G. Revoile
Louis M. Riehl ‘38 *
Edward M. Robertson *
Jean G. Rogers ‘62
Donald D. Rogers ‘50 *
Stanley B. Rohd ‘66 and Barbara Deborah Rohd
Estate of Randolph S. Rothschild ‘36 *
Milton H. F. Saul ‘42 *
Charles Scheeler ‘52 *
and Mary Katherine Scheeler ‘53 *
Eugene H. Schreiber ‘60 * and Alice A. Schreiber ‘70
Estate of Helen Seidman *
Mary W. Stanton *
Charles M. Tatelbaum ‘66 and Kitty Tatelbaum
Charles R. Thomas, M.D. ‘17 *
Zaidee T. Thomas *
Evva S. Vale *
Professor Michael P. Van Alstine
and Lisa Burton Van Alstine
Daniel E. Wagner '62
Judith S. Waranch '74
Evelyn W. Wenner *
Walter L. Williamson ‘64
Alexander D. Wilson ‘78 *
Professor Roger C. Wolf *
Paul F. Wooden ‘52 *
Bertha Pinkney Zoller *

Indicates deceased member of our
Maryland Carey Law community

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