Golden Graduates Society

Golden Graduates Society Logo

The Golden Graduates Society celebrates all alumni who graduated from Maryland Carey Law fifty years ago or earlier. Each Class is formally inducted into the Golden Graduates Society during their 50th Reunion Celebration held during Alumni Weekend.

All members of the Golden Graduates Society are invited to a special luncheon during Alumni Weekend each year at no charge (registration is required). This special benefit allows all Golden Graduates to reconnect with each other on an annual basis and provides a special opportunity to welcome the newest 50th anniversary class into the Golden Graduates Society.

Upcoming Events

Golden Graduates Luncheon during Alumni Weekend 2024

Save the Date! Registration will open Dec. 1, 2023.
Friday, April 12, 2024 | 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Westminster Hall at Maryland Carey Law, 500 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD 21201

Maryland Carey Law continues its tradition of celebrating our most experienced alumni – our Golden Graduates – during a special luncheon during Alumni Weekend. Alumni who graduated 50 or more years ago are among this distinguished group.

Enjoy opportunities to reconnect throughout Alumni Weekend as we welcome all class years preceding 1974 to join us in recognizing the Class of 1974 for their Golden Reunion Celebration. This event is only open to alumni who graduated 1974 or earlier.


Golden Graduates Society Co-Chairs

Henry Hopkins '68

Bernard "Bernie" Peter '69

Judith "Judy" Armold '71

Wallace "Wally" Kleid '71

Roberta Gill '72

The Hon. William Carr '73