Bar Exam Preparation Course
Course Description
This bar exam preparation course is designed to transition students into their post-graduation bar exam preparation experience and support their first-time taker success in the jurisdiction of choice. It is an essential building block to your rigorous commercial post-graduation bar study program. This course is offered on a credit/no credit basis and taught in conjunction with Barbri.
Students will be coached to (i) master select areas of law commonly tested on the bar exam, and (ii) develop and/or refine test-taking skills requisite for success on the bar such as effectively answering MBE-styled multiple-choice questions, drafting written responses to bar exam essay questions, and drafting work product for the Multistate Performance Test (MPT).
Substantive coverage centers primarily, but not exclusively, on MBE subjects and UBE-specific topics since most students sit for the Uniform Bar Exam. However, the overall goal remains to prepare all students for the bar exam of their choice be it a traditional bar exam, the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) or NextGen exam. Course assignments will only cover select subtopics within a few MBE tested subject matter topics.
This course is formatted to meet the needs and availability of every graduating student. In the spring semester, the day seated section offers a familiar in-class experience with personal interaction and regular guidance from faculty. The spring online evening section offers the same personal interaction as the seated but through the convenience of an online environment. Beginning Fall 2025, students may also, with the permission of Professor Yarbrough, enroll in an asynchronous version of the course that helps students work independently at a coordinated pace and avoid scheduling conflicts.
While this course is open enrollment, graduating students are strongly encouraged to enroll in their terminal semester.
To earn credit, students must attend at least 80% of classes and complete 100% of the written assignments.
This course is credit/no credit.
Current and Previous Instructors
Key to Codes in Course Descriptions
P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course
Currently Scheduled Sections
CRN: 23155
- Spring '25
- 3
Tues: 3:15-5:15
Micah J. Yarbrough
- 25 openings. (Limit 50).
Materials to be posted on Blackboard or distributed in class
CRN: 23156
- Spring '25
- 3
Thurs: 6:30-8:30
Micah J. Yarbrough
- 22 openings. (Limit 50).
Materials to be posted on Blackboard or distributed in class
CRN: 93707
- Fall '25
- 2
Thurs: 4:20-6:20
Micah J. Yarbrough
- Enrollment Limit: 30
CRN: 23087
- Spring '26
- 2
Tues: 3:15-5:15
Micah J. Yarbrough
Kerri McGowan Lowrey
- Enrollment Limit: 50
CRN: 23088
- Spring '26
- 2
Thurs: 6:30-8:30
Micah J. Yarbrough
- Enrollment Limit: 50