Environmental Law
Course Description
This is the basic survey course that provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of environmental law. After examining why we have environmental law, the course traces the evolution of environmental law from common law doctrines to the rise of the modern regulatory state. The course reviews the principal federal laws that govern regulation of waste management, toxic substances, and air and water pollution. It explores the operation of the federal regulatory process and the role of government agencies and citizen groups in the development and enforcement of environmental regulations. Laws protecting public resources and the rise of global environmental law also are introduced.
The course regularly features an optional field trip to the U.S. Supreme Court to watch the oral argument in an environmental case. Students also are given the option of working in small groups to make short documentary films on an environmental topic of their choosing. This course is required for students wishing to qualify for the Certificate of Concentration in Environmental Law.
Current and Previous Instructors
Key to Codes in Course Descriptions
P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course