International Moot Court

Course Description

International Moot Court is a two-semester offering which provides students an opportunity to gain valuable experience in legal research, brief writing, and oral argument, as well as brief grading and oral argument judging. The course is run by a student International Moot Court Board and under the supervision of the faculty advisor. In the fall semester, the class meets at a scheduled time for one hour per week; in the spring semester, there is not a scheduled meeting time because students work on their own and in response to outside scheduling. Students may not earn more than four credits total for participation in International Moot Court in any one year, and students selected for the next year's Board may earn one additional credit in each of those next two semester for a total of no more than six credits for their participation in the International Moot Court Program. Students who serve solely as Board Members earn one credit in each semester; students who compete, whether intra- or inter-murally, earn two credits in each semester in which they are competitors. Grading is on a Credit/No Credit basis.

Current and Previous Instructors

Key to Codes in Course Descriptions

P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course

Currently Scheduled Sections

CRN: 92738

  • Fall '24
  • 2
  • TBD
  • TBD



  • 8 openings. (Limit 10).

CRN: 91288

  • Fall '24
  • 1
  • TBD
  • TBD



  • 30 openings. (Limit 30).

CRN: 25725

  • Spring '25
  • 2
  • TBD



  • Enrollment Limit:

CRN: 25724

  • Spring '25
  • 1
  • TBD



  • Enrollment Limit: