Molly Ryan

Adjunct Professor

Photo of Molly Ryan

Molly Ryan is an experienced litigator who has focused her expertise on challenging the admission of unreliable forensic evidence. She worked as an assistant public defender in the Forensics Division of the Maryland Office of the Public Defender for six years, directly litigating complex challenges in varying forensic disciplines, such as DNA and firearms identification. In that role she developed statewide litigation strategies and provided support and training to public defenders across Maryland. She is now working as a paralegal with the Non-Capital Habeas Unit of the Federal Community Defender Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, while maintaining an active presence in the National Forensics College of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. She began her legal career as an appellate and post-conviction attorney at the Center for Appellate Litigation, a non-profit public defense firm in New York City. She received her JD from New York University Law School and holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Cornell University.