Mercedes Subhani

Mercedes Subhani is a third year law student at the Maryland Carey Law. She is from Union, New Jersey and attended American University in Washington, D.C. where she obtained a B.A. in Communications, Legal Institutions, Economics, and Government (C.L.E.G.). At Maryland Carey Law, Mercedes was selected as the 2023 IAPP Westin Scholar and is a Diversity & Inclusion Scholar. Along with her J.D., she is on the Intellectual Property track and the Cybersecurity & Crisis Management certificate. She has gotten first-hand experience in IP and data privacy law in her 1L summer internship as an In-House Fellow at PepsiCo, during her 2L year as a Biometrics and Legislative Intern at Future of Privacy Forum, in her 2L summer as a Google Legal Summer Institute Fellow and IP Tech Summer Associate at Baker & Mckenzie, and in her 3L year as a Trademarks and Copyright Student Attorney in the Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship Clinic (IPEC). Outside of internships, Mercedes was also the President of the Latinx Law Student Association, President of the Maryland IP Student Association, and on the Alternative Dispute Resolution Team. Following graduation in May 2024, Mercedes will be working at Baker & McKenzie as an IP Tech Associate in Chicago, IL.