Fairfax Returns to Maryland Carey Law with Lecture on Corporate Governance and Ethics
We are honored to welcome Professor Lisa M. Fairfax back to Maryland Carey Law as our inaugural Tobin Visiting Scholar on November 1, 2024. A prominent figure in corporate law, Professor Fairfax will offer a lecture addressing how board diversity, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles, and shareholder activism influence corporate compliance and legal ethics.
Professor Fairfax's academic career has been marked by significant contributions to corporate law. She began her teaching journey at the University of Maryland Carey School of Law in 2000 where she founded the Business Law Program. Her business law seminars and courses were student favorites earning her awards such as the 2003 Teacher of the Year honor (voted by the students) and the 2005 Black Law Student Association Professor of the Year title, just to name a few. Professor Fairfax went on to serve as the Alexander Hamilton Professor of Business Law at George Washington University, where she established the GW Corporate Law and Governance Initiative. Currently, she is the Presidential Professor and a co-director of the Institute for Law & Economics at the University of Pennsylvania Carey School of Law.
Her research spans a range of critical topics, including fiduciary duties, shareholder activism, and securities fraud. Professor Fairfax is the author of Shareholder Democracy: A Primer on Shareholder Activism and Participation and has published influential articles that have received accolades for their impact on corporate and securities law.
In addition to her academic roles, Professor Fairfax has contributed her expertise to various regulatory bodies, including the SEC's Investor Advisory Committee and the Board of Governors for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). Her commitment to mentorship and teaching has been recognized with several awards, underscoring her influence in legal education. Tobin expressed his excitement at Fairfax’s visit saying, "I am delighted that Lisa Fairfax is returning to Maryland Carey Law as the inaugural Tobin Scholar. She is a groundbreaking thought leader who has spent her career working to build fair and honest structures that promote ethical business practices."
This is the inaugural Donald B. Tobin Visiting Scholar in Business Ethics. In 2022, Christine A. Edwards ’83 established the named Endowment in honor of former Dean Tobin. With additional support from alumni and friends to the endowment, the Donald B. Tobin Professorship Endowment aims to promote the importance of business ethics within the Business Law curriculum.
We invite you to attend this special lecture featuring Professor Fairfax. Following her lecture, attendees are invited to a reception in the law school Atrium, featuring complimentary hors d'oeuvres and beverages. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/corporate-governance-at-the-intersection-of-legal-ethics-and-compliance-tickets-1027115208237?aff=oddtdtcreator