3L Walter Gilson helps launch Expedited Collaborative Process

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This semester, third-year law student, Walter Gilson, helped bring a first of its kind collaboration with the courts, legal aid, and the Collaborative Law and Justice Center (CLJC) online during an externship with CLCJ. The CLJC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable and educational organization that promotes awareness of common interests to help achieve a more just balancing of interests, through peaceful resolution of conflict, whether the conflict is one-on-one or within larger populations, to achieve better outcomes for individuals and for the wider community.

The new initiative is the Expedited Collaborative Process. Members of the public who use the Expedited Collaborative Process receive pro bono and reduced-fee legal services, with a particular focus on individuals in divorce and custody disputes. According to the CLCJ’s executive director, Connie Kratovil-Lavelle, the Expedited Collaborative Process promises to resolve divorce and custody matters with less conflict, time and money.