Environmental Law Clinic Concludes Fall 2019 Semester

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Student attorneys in the Environmental Law Clinic have had a terrific fall semester. The Clinic this year consists of ten Clinic I students and two returning Clinic II students. The Clinic is continuing its work on zoning in Prince George’s County, providing legal counseling to a community group fighting a special exception for a concrete batching plant, and engaging in continued litigation for the Patuxent Riverkeeper fighting a special exception for a coal ash facility. The coal ash case will have its hearing in front of the Maryland Court of Special Appeals on January 3, 2020, and students are busy practicing. In addition, the Clinic is working on matters in Baltimore City, in particular for the Farm Alliance of Baltimore. One of our students was able to present on legal issues facing urban farms at this years’ Agriculture Law Education Initiative Conference. We are looking forward to continuing to provide pro bono legal and policy work on environmental matters in the spring.