Professors Seema Kakade and Bill Piermattei hosted the annual environmental law clinic directors meeting in December 2020. It was the first time the meeting was virtual. More than forty directors of environmental law clinics from law schools across the country came together to reflect and share with each other. The environmental law clinic directors meeting has become an annual gathering since 2017. What was so striking about this year’s meeting was the clear role that clinics have played in environmental law and policy during times of a global pandemic, political upheaval, and widespread concern over racial justice. The clinics also successfully provided online education to law students in oral and written advocacy, organization, critical thinking, and complex research. The clinics met with clients, attended hearings, and figured out electronic submittals with local government agencies. Perhaps most importantly, the clinics were able to provide a safe space for students to learn, discuss, and feel productive in a time when many felt out of control and anxious. The hope for 2021 is that the directors can once again meet in person.