
To request a new web page or request changes to an existing page, please email:

  • Include a link to the Web page that needs to be updated.
  • For significant updates, please provide a Word document with complete replacement text for the web page. Use Word's Insert|Links|Hyperlink feature to include web links exactly the way you want them to appear.
  • For minor updates, you may supply brief instructions (for example, "In the second paragraph, please change 'over 250 hours of pro bono service' to 'over 300 hours of pro bono service'")
  • The Law-Web team is able to provide suggestions to help organize your content for usability.
  • All files, including images, PDFs, or Word documents to be converted to PDF must be named without using spaces in the filename. No spaces are permitted in web filenames.
  • Separately attach any images to your e-mail. You may also embed them in a Word document to show desired placement, but the images must also be attached separately.

Website Contributor Training

We offer ongoing training for new and existing staff who manage specific portions of the website for their office. For access and training, please contact us at