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Guardianship and Its Alternatives: A Handbook on Maryland Law
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The Law and Health Care Program and the Maryland State Bar Association have published a guide to help both laypeople and attorneys navigate adult guardianship in Maryland. The guide - “Guardianship and Its Alternatives: A Handbook on Maryland Law” – was originally written by Maryland Carey Law Professor Joan O’Sullivan, a champion for the legal rights of the elderly, who passed away in 2007. The 2011 edition was revised and updated by Virginia Rowthorn, managing director of the Law and Health Care Program, and Ellen Callegary, a prominent elder law and disability lawyer in Maryland. For more information, please contact Virginia Rowthorn at
The English and Spanish versions of the Guardianship Handbooks were made possible in part by the generous support of the Rueben Shiling Mental Health Law Fund, the Dr. Richard H. Heller Fund, the Maryland Bar Foundation, the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council, and the Karen Rothenberg and Jeffrey Seltzer Law & Health Care Program Endowment.
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