Consumer Bankruptcy: Legal Theory and Practice
Course Description
This clinic focuses on bankruptcy within the context of Chapter 7 and 13 consumer cases. Students will represent debtors of limited means in connection with filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy case on their behalf. Students will conduct client interviews, counsel and advise clients, gather the information necessary to prepare the bankruptcy petition and file documents, and provide representation at the Section 341 meeting of creditors, as well as at any other hearings that may arise. Students will obtain practical experience in Chapter 13 by meeting with a chapter 13 trustee to review actual chapter 13 cases in preparation for initial meetings of creditors, to discuss with the trustee the reasons for the chapter 13 filing, and to review chapter 13 plans in preparation for confirmation hearings. Students will also represent other individuals who are able to resolve their financial issues outside of a formal bankruptcy process. Students will meet in a traditional classroom setting weekly to develop lawyering skills as well as to discuss theory and doctrine applicable to bankruptcy. Students will also participate in rounds weekly to discuss specific issues arising in their client’s cases as well as their impact on their clients, their families and communities, and the legal system as a whole. Students enrolling in this clinic will receive a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn the interplay of legal concepts involving commercial, collection, domestic, tort, and other areas of law within the bankruptcy system while also learning the practical, day-to-day, aspects of working in a law office.
This clinic is offered in fall 2025 and spring 2026 as a one-semester clinic for six credits. All students enrolled in a fall 2025 clinic are required to attend in-person clinic orientation on Friday, August 22, 2025, in addition to any clinic-specific orientation that the professor may schedule. All students enrolled in a spring 2026 clinic are required to attend in-person clinic orientation on Friday, January 9, 2026, in addition to any clinic-specific orientation that the professor may schedule. While not required, it is strongly recommended that students enroll in Bankruptcy and Creditor’s Rights, as this course will greatly enhance the clinical experience.
P/C: Bankruptcy Law
Current and Previous Instructors
Key to Codes in Course Descriptions
P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course
Currently Scheduled Sections
CRN: 23017
- Spring '25
- 5
Wed: 6:30-8:30
Frank Turney
- Waitlisted. (Limit 6).
Satisfies Cardin Requirement