Health Law Practice Workshop

Course Description

The course will provide an opportunity for students to share their practicum experiences and to explore the ethical, legal and practical challenges raised by health lawyering in a variety of settings including hospitals, insurance and managed care organizations, government (AG’s Office, legislative office), and law firms. Class readings and discussion will focus on questions about the client in various settings, the role of politics and how it affects the lawyer’s role, and the changing nature of the health care industry and how that affects the lawyer’s work in various settings. Health law attorneys will participate in the workshop and share their perspectives on the pressures and dilemmas they face in carrying out their practice. Course requirements will include short research/writing assignments and class presentations. This workshop is required for and available only to students who are currently enrolled in a health law externship. Students must discuss enrollment in this course with the Health Law Program administrator.

Current and Previous Instructors

Key to Codes in Course Descriptions

P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course

Currently Scheduled Sections

CRN: 91273

  • Fall '24
  • 2
  • 302
  • Tues: 3:15-5:15


  • Rebecca Hall

  • 12 openings. (Limit 15).
  • 591b

  • Materials to be posted on Blackboard or distributed in class