Course Description
Described as “the greatest transfer of wealth in human history,” cybercrime is one of the fastest growing areas of crime. Cybercrime has unique characteristics that pose special challenges to law enforcement, legislators, policy makers, businesses, and individuals. This course will help students conceptualize cybercrime, explore the unique challenges associated with investigating cybercrime and prosecuting cybercriminals. The course will go beyond an academic analysis of the legal, regulatory, and policy issues, and also offer practical guidance on preventing and responding to cybercrime. In addition to discussing the assigned readings, as outlined in this syllabus, the beginning of every class will be reserved for discussing current events in cybercrime and cybersecurity. Course grades will be based on class participation and a final exam.
Current and Previous Instructors
Key to Codes in Course Descriptions
P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course
Currently Scheduled Sections
CRN: 22365
- Spring '25
- 3
Tues: 3:15-6:20
Christopher Webster
- 7 openings. (Limit 25).
Orin Kerr, Computer Crime Law 5th Edition , West Academic , 2022
ISBN: 9781647084790