Corporate Immigration Law

Course Description

This course will cover the law, policies and procedures regulating the employment of foreign nationals in the United States. entry of foreign nationals into the United States for business, employment, and investment purposes, as well as the basics of advising businesses on immigration compliance. The goals of this course are to give students an understanding of U.S. business immigration laws, regulations, and policies and to teach students to analyze and apply statutes and regulations to concrete factual situations in a specific context. The course will provide a practical foundation for students to understand the multidisciplinary nature of the practice of business immigration law. This includes other areas of law including: (i) business law; (ii) employment law; (iii) government enforcement; and (iv) tax and mobility. The course will prepare students in substantive and procedural law and also in the skills required to obtain needed information, prepare necessary applications, and guide clients through the visa process, as well as advise businesses on immigration compliance issues.

Current and Previous Instructors

Key to Codes in Course Descriptions

P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course