Maryland Legislative Externship

Course Description

Students will be assigned to work for a member of the General Assembly, a committee or caucus of the General Assembly, the Department of Legislative Services, the Office of the Attorney General's Counsel to the General Assembly, the Office of the Governor, a legislative office of a State executive agency or a non profit working on legislative matters. Students will perform a variety of tasks associated with the General Assembly session, including drafting bills and/or amendments to bills; drafting bill analyses; researching current state law, previous legislative efforts and other state laws in a subject area; preparing and submitting written testimony in support of, opposition to or in explanation of pending bills; testifying before legislative committees on a bill; preparing questions for legislative hearings; and coordinating supporting or opposition testimony on a bill. Students may also handle media requests for information and respond to constituent inquiries on the bills assigned to the student. Students will likely attend and/or participate in committee and subcommittee hearings and meetings, staff meetings and delegation meetings. Students will have a supervising attorney at the placement and be supervised during the placement. A statement of goals and objectives must be submitted within two weeks of beginning the placement and memoranda describing the student's work and experience will be due at weeks 5, 10 and 13.

Grading is on a Credit/No Credit basis.

Current and Previous Instructors

Key to Codes in Course Descriptions

P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course

Currently Scheduled Sections

CRN: 26097

  • Spring '25
  • 8
  • N/A


  • Susan Leviton

  • Enrollment Limit:

CRN: 26096

  • Spring '25
  • 7
  • N/A


  • Susan Leviton

  • Enrollment Limit:

CRN: 26095

  • Spring '25
  • 6
  • N/A


  • Susan Leviton

  • Enrollment Limit:

CRN: 26094

  • Spring '25
  • 5
  • N/A


  • Susan Leviton

  • Enrollment Limit:

CRN: 26050

  • Spring '25
  • 4
  • N/A


  • Susan Leviton

  • Enrollment Limit: