Moot Court Board
Course Description
The Moot Court Board, composed of third-year students, conducts a three-year program in advocacy: working with the Written and Oral Advocacy classes, running the fall moot court competition and spring Myerowitz competition, and sending several teams of students to outside moot court competitions. Moot Court Board thus offers students an opportunity to gain valuable experience in legal research, brief writing, and oral argument, as well as brief grading and oral argument judging.
Upon recommendation of the faculty advisor to the Moot Court Board, students may receive one credit per semester for each semester in which they do academic work on the Moot Court Board. Students who participate on the National Team and those who serve in certain positions on the Executive Board may, upon recommendation of the faculty advisor, receive one additional credit for the activity. Students may receive Moot Court academic credit for a total of three semesters (one semester for Moot Court Myerowitz Competition and two semesters for Moot Court Board). Grading is on a Credit/NoCredit basis.
Current and Previous Instructors
Key to Codes in Course Descriptions
P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course
Currently Scheduled Sections
CRN: 20683
- Spring '25
- 2
Mon: 5:25-6:20
Derek Simmonsen
Marc A. DeSimone, Jr.
Materials to be posted on Blackboard or distributed in class
CRN: 20667
- Spring '25
- 1
Mon: 5:25-6:20
Derek Simmonsen
Marc A. DeSimone, Jr.
Materials to be posted on Blackboard or distributed in class
CRN: 90522
- Fall '25
- 1 or 2
Mon: 5:25-6:20
Derek Simmonsen
Marc A. DeSimone, Jr.
- Enrollment Limit:
CRN: 20667
- Spring '26
- 1 or 2
Mon: 5:25-6:20
Derek Simmonsen
Marc A. DeSimone, Jr.
- Enrollment Limit: