Health Care Business Arrangements

Course Description

This course will focus on application of legal principles to business arrangements involving health care, including services furnished by physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers. While most health care in this country is provided by private individuals and organizations – including for-profit and non-profit organizations – much of this care is paid for by states and the federal government, which also regulate the quality of health care services provided. As a result, health care organizations are subject to a unique and extensive set of laws and regulations. These include federal and state kickback and self-referral prohibitions and the prohibition against the corporate practice of medicine. This course will analyze relevant legal authorities and their application to health care business arrangements, as well as explore related contract and business issues. This will include examination of arrangements for health care marketing, medical practices, ambulatory surgery centers, joint ventures, long-term care facilities, and emerging health care arrangements. The course will also explore the purchase and sale of health care organizations – large and small – including sales of medical practices to hospitals and private equity firms and hospital mergers and acquisitions.

Current and Previous Instructors

Key to Codes in Course Descriptions

P: Prerequisite
C: Prerequisite or Concurrent Requirement
R: Recommended Prior or Concurrent Course

Currently Scheduled Sections

CRN: 99640

  • Fall '24
  • 3
  • 309
  • Tues: 6:30-9:00


  • Robert Mazer

  • 7 openings. (Limit 20).